If a shy girl suggests hanging out in a group, is she interested or not?

Girl is recently out of 4 year relationship, as of 3 months ago.
She still seems really guarded and is not ready for a relationship.
We have went on one date, she said afterwards that she's not ready for dating.
She allready knows that I like her
I flirt with her very often (Tells me im very smooth)
She gives me direct eye contact
Smiles all the time around me.
Tells me i always make her smile or laugh.
Replies instantly to all my messages.
Tells me deeply personal things
I was having a bad day and she was messaging me saying (Im so glad i could get you to smile)
She brought me a slice of cake she baked for her birthday to our dance class and was worried that it wouldn't taste good.
She doesn't recoil at my touch.

I think she likes me but im so inexperienced I dont know how to read this, advice would be appreciated!
Likes me
doesn't like me
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I really like her, and I'm struggling to work out if I'm doing the right thing and all that.

I have literally 0% knowledge of women haha

And need all the outside help and experience from you guys as possible!
If a shy girl suggests hanging out in a group, is she interested or not?
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