Do you find mind games disrespectful? (looking for male opinion)

like a girl would toy around with you even though she shown interest and give you load of b.s.

do you prefer women who go for the lets just be friends and see where it goes approach? I prefer this one. why would you go for a beech when you can go for a nice girl instead? I feel this approach conditions an equality relationship. not to say it would definitely happen but promotes that I think.

do you see problem down the road with mind game approach? a girl that plays these games loses my trust for one thing. and I wonder if subconsciously she ends up feeling better than you or something and you end up having to please her throughout your life for her approach. bad ending in my view. the mind game approach conditions an inequality relationship I feel.

i feel mind games are rude and disrespectful and a man with integrity should not put up with it. especially since there are nice respectful girls out there. who cares about the myriad of reasons why girls do this? the bottom line is for a man's interest, this is disrespectful. if you making excuse to justify her behavior, it like you are making excuses to justify a child's misbehavior.

if you disagree,consider this, how would you view a friend if he/she disrespects you? I think it should be looked at this way here.

Do you find mind games disrespectful? (looking for male opinion)
Post Opinion