Had a dream of my girlfriend dying what does it mean?

Pleas if you can read the whole thing it would mean a lot to me. Also just for some background info I do have some jealousy issues but I'm trying to make it better and change, though I do get out of hand from time to time.

Last night I had a horrible dream that my girlfriend died, it started off like a normal dream with some weird stuff that I don't remember but suddenly I was in like a forest or park type of area with friend or/and family then suddenly my girlfriend ran in front of a car and she died... But for some reason in my dream no one is sure if she died and she is there with me right by my side but the event did happen and we all have to wait for heaven or something to confirm that she actually died. Then I remember spending time with her and other stuff but also getting jealous at one point. Then I'm in my room waiting when suddenly I feel the rush to run out the building and find my girlfriend and when I do I find my friend saying "did you hear the bad news" and I already know what it is and she appears right there crying saying that she really is dead. After that she takes me to an apartment saying that I have to take care of it. And finally I suddenly find my self chasing after my girlfriend on the road then embracing her and crying my eyes out saying that I can't live without her and that I never want her to leave me. That's when I woke up and I was crying, I couldn't go back sleep it just shook me up so much I did call her and she said she's always gonna be there but what do you think this dream meant?
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Had a dream of my girlfriend dying what does it mean?
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