3 WEEKS to lose 20 pounds. How to look better?

OK, so this guy I've known for like 8 years is flying in for new years and were meeting up. He's 5'11 and I'm 5'6 and I weigh about 140 pounds (lot of muscle, though I want to lose the fat). I have love handles kind of and chubby arms. And like an octo chin because of the medicine I'm on. What can I do to lose 20 pounds. I'm in college and don't have money or access to a gym, I have a yoga ball, but that's it. I want to lose weight in my tummy (not that much, but just to tone up), my face, my arms, and especially my HIPS, LOVE HANDLES, and I've noticed my butt has gotten bigger since I had brain surgery because of the meds. and I was in a hospital bed for 2 weeks. Anyway, other that I am attractive and stuff, just wanna tone my stomach. and get ride of the nasty LOVE HANDLES. HELP. Thanks!

. nhuh
3 WEEKS to lose 20 pounds. How to look better?
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