Girls, How do I eat healthier without my mother noticing?

This requires some description, but I'll make it quick.
My mother has put on a lot of weight very quickly, and she keeps bringing home really unhealthy food on a daily basis (candy & cakes, mostly) based on impulsive cravings.
Whenever she gets something for me, I really want to turn it down, but when I do she looks at me strangely and starts to talk about how "anorexia is dangerous in teenage girls' and 'you shouldn't cut back on food because you have to keep your weight up for sports.'
So I end up eating it because I don't want her to feel bad, but I also don't want to harm myself. I don't need a chocolate bar and pound cake every day, especially when I'm training for soccer and track. I feel like she might just feel bad about herself, but I don't want to say anything. Any suggestions?
Girls, How do I eat healthier without my mother noticing?
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