How best to deal with a blocked ear?

I get these all the time and they annoy the absolute crap out of me, for the last half hour my own breathing has been amplified in my ear because it's blocked, and I've tried forcing it open by increasing the pressure in my ears (holding my nose and trying to breathe out through it) but that only blocked the other one temporarily, and I tried cleaning my ears but I'm pretty sure my constant cleaning of them is the reason I get blocked ears so often (I can't not clean them though because I always feel when they're even just a little dirty and it drives me nuts)

Would it help to apply a heat pack? I know my parents used to give me heat packs to put on my ear when I had ear aches, I used to get those a lot too, so would that help in this situation?

I've never really looked for a fix, as they've never lasted this long.

Also how often do you clean your ears? I clean mine every other day, and sometimes a few days in a row, while one of my friends gets hers cleaned by the doctor once or twice a year.

I go through so many cotton tips, you wouldn't believe. And I'm upset that I bought a shit brand because I forgot which ones are good D:
How best to deal with a blocked ear?
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