Is Aphrodite a total bitch?

Aphrodite - The Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty

Is Aphrodite a total bitch ?

Is Aphrodite a total bitch?

Zeus feared she would cause war between the Olympians, so he married her to Hephaestus as a wife. She was married to the smith Hepaestus, but she really loved Ares, the god of war.


Is Aphrodite a total bitch?

Hephaestus was overjoyed, so he made her matchless jewels and a magical girdle that made her even more beautiful than she already was, which was unwise of him. Aphrodite was vain, however, and disliked his looks, but enjoyed his gift's, though she'd much rather have Ares for a husband. She has no children with Hephaestus but many children with Ares. Hephaestus was constantly trying to capture Ares and Aphrodite together and show it to Zeus.


Is Aphrodite a total bitch?

Total bitch
Not a bitch
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Is Aphrodite a total bitch?
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