Why are black women considered unattractive by society's standards?

Why are black women considered unattractive by society's standards?

I am a black female and I constantly see articles and videos that bash black women for their looks. Seriously, it's not cool. This is why we are constantly trying to change ourselves, to have more Caucasian features so that we will be more desirable. Society paints our natural features as ugly and undesirable. Even black men don't want us, and they go for light-skinned and other races because of their softer features.

Why are we considered ugly and unattractive by so many? I liked to know what it is, because it's making so many black women insecure about themselves, that not even black men desire them because of how society sees us. Curly hair, and dark skin are not considered "beautiful" by these standards. It's not fair, and not right. Humans cannot help the way they look.

a video on YouTube bashes black women for having weaves. Why is that? Because we are trying to make ourselves more desired for men? For them to like us more? No matter what we do, we are not desired. It's not right, and it's sickening.

So, what is it? Why are we considered the least attractive women? Why are we not desired? I'd really like to know this.
Why are black women considered unattractive by society's standards?
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