Okay Guys, Is my ex waiting for me to call him? Or Wait for him to Call me?

So me and my ex broke up over a month ago (we dated 2+ years). He has initiated it, because we were arguing so much our love kind of faded and well we also don't see each other much(very strict family/plus goes to school out of state) but basically we argued. When he broke up with me he would still call, and I would reply to text. Last week, I had not replied to his calls and after two days I sent him a text(it was about music, not about us) and well he replied with "hmmm now you can say hello" If got me mad because he broke up with me, and I would just feel that I was needy if I called or I assume he would think I wanted to get back. Or worse be just friends( which is something I cannot do) I do want him back. But am I wrong to be waiting for him to initiate the calls? Since he initiated the break up. After his "hmm " text I asked him when he wanted his stuff back, no reply then. So I didn't call or text for 2 days. Yesterday, I finally asked if he wanted to talk, he replied, and well he said that I could call him or text him later, since he was at a family gathering. We did not talk, I never called and he never called. So what now? Call him, or just move on and wait for whenever he wants to call/text me? I
Okay Guys, Is my ex waiting for me to call him? Or Wait for him to Call me?
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