Why did my ex unblock me three days after without a word?

A little background: last Friday I wen out, got drunk and was kissed by one of my guy friends (he initiated and I backed off after a few seconds). I called my boyfriend the day after to tell him because I felt he had to know and he immediately said I should return the flight I had to visit him (we have been in LDR for about 4 months and together for more than 2 years) and blocked me on telegram, whatsapp and facebook.

He usually reacts very strong and radical when he is hurt and I totally understand that in this situation but usually when logic kicks in he rethinks things and usually comes back. But that day he blocked me I send him an sms to apologize again and that and he unblocked me from telegram (where we usually talk through) and a while later in facebook (which i guess was to check who the friend was), but not on whatsapp where we talk too sometimes. We talked through telegram and on Monday he didn't answer anymore so I thought I give him time and it has been until today were he hasn't said a word, but yesterday he unblocked me from whatsapp. Can this have some kind of meaning or why would he take the effort to do that if we are not talkin? :/
Why did my ex unblock me three days after without a word?
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