I’ve been trying to heal and move on with my life. I received a promotion at work, starting working with a therapist, applied for a graduate program for the Spring semester, joined a running club, started yoga and meditation, and put a down payment to go Bali (something we said that we’d do together).
Despite the fact that I’ve made no attempts to contact him, he’s called and texted me numerous times (which I ignored), keeps looking me up on LinkedIn, commenting on my IG stories/posts (which I also ignored), when I finally deleted him on social media (sent me two back to back follow requests then he DM’d me asking why I unfollowed him). This all came to a head when he (drunkenly) cornered me at a mutual friend’s house warming party asking why I snubbed him and was giving him the cold shoulder. I told him that I am just trying to move on with my life and he followed me before a friend intervened. I left and he called me three times in a row.
Why the fuck does he want to be friends so badly? It’s not like he doesn’t have other friends.