Guys, Why are we still snap friends?

I was seeing this guy for a year, and he ghosted. He then reached back out 4 months after that asking for a hookup, and I told him no. He reached out again in May this past year (a few months after our last conversation) and told me that he went through rehab for coke addiction, and he was trying to work things out with his ex. He asked if we could talk again soon after that conversation and I said I would like that. But I still love him, and it hurt to think that I was just another person in his roster. So I haven't reached out, and it's been 6 months. I know that he's not with his ex anymore, and he moved to another state. He hasn't reached out, and we're still friends on snapchat. I was wondering if anyone could give some input as to why he hasn't deleted me yet?

Guys, Why are we still snap friends?
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