Does height matter?

Generally speaking, I prefer guys that are taller than me. My ex was 6'1", and my current boyfriend is 6'.
However, I wouldn’t say no to a guy just because of his height. In fact, towards the beginning of the relationship, I don’t even notice their height or looks in general that much. I have noticed that I tend to end up in longer relationships with taller, dark-haired, paler-eyed men (for what that might be worth).
How tall are you?
I am 5'3 so it is basically a given that the guy will be taller than me or at least the same height. My ideal height for a guy is 5'9-5'11. However I have liked guys who were 5'5 so when it comes down to it as long as I like the guy height doesn't matter.
Generally I like men taller than me, but I can settle for someone shorter than me if I really like them. I am 5'9 and a half, so right now I am a lot taller than people my age, so for me right now I am more likely to date someone shorter.
Tall parents and siblings?
My dad's side of the family is really tall. They generally get to 6'4 through 5'11. My mom's side of the family is average height, so with them combined I should be somewhere in between.
How tall is mom?
I have no siblings. My mother has been shorter than me for a couple of years, she is 5'7. She tells everyone she used to be the tallest person in her sixth grade class, and is still that height today 😂😂.
Making fun of her!
Am sure you make fun of short men as well :'(
My best guy friend used to be short than me and I used to tease him, now he is taller and he teases me 😂 I don't really make fun of them, it's okay. Also, I did not make fun of my Mom. I said what she tells everyone when they tease her about her height.
Wow people tease your mom for her Height!
She is tall for a woman, I guess
Yeah. Mainly just me and Dad, we just joke about it with her and she has made it clear that she is fine with that. We joke about a lot of each other to each other. Is that not allowed in your family or something?
Ok allowed to joke.
Dad is how tall?
5'11, and his brother is 6 foot.
I chuckled when you said the word "settle".
im 6 foot 2, id probably wouldn't even notice you're tall. there was a girl who was slightly taller than me in high school and she was kinda hot.
@Thisguylul yeah tall girls are super hot...
So what if a guy was 5’7-5’8?
Would you wear heels if he was the same height?
Its kinda weird as a 6'3 - 6'4 dude. I hear girls dig that (from what i know it has never helped me) but i guess thats good for me. But with my added height if she's shorter than average then i feel like i gotta look down to be with someone like that, my neck is and back is slouched enough as it is. So yes i do consider it, and if she is bigger than me then we got a weird problem
No, height just doesn't really matter. Most guys have an ideal height range, like I do. I prefer UP to 5' 3". Anything under is best for me. Other guys will prefer taller.
I like the right hand picture. That's how my mum and dad were. Dad was 6' 1". Mum is 5' 1".
Love your profile pic! Beautiful cat!
I would take height into consideration. I want someone taller than me so I take that into consideration but I also have to make sure they're not too tall, there's a 10 inch height difference between my partner and I which is actually quite irritating, so I'd need to make sure that they weren't any taller than that.
How tall are you?
@MarcusBorino 5'2 😊
Yup. I'm 5'10. People make you feel awkward for being a taller female. I feel slightly more at least around people my height or taller. Not even when dating but in friendships. I mean i'm not all "Aaah short people!" but there is more of a comradery around those i can literally see eye to eye with. And when dating I would look up at a guy than down on him. It's completely mental.
So what if he was 5’7?
Did you wear heels?
I’m 5’7 I would date a girl that’s 5’10!
I voted B.
TBH I find really short kind of hot, but it's not a requirement at all. I'm 6'3 and have dated more tall than short.
Yes. However, I don't care what her height is as long as she is shorter than me. She could be 1 inch shorter than me, or 6 inches shorter than me - as long as she is shorter than me.
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
What if she’s same height or taller?
Height matters to both genders to some extent, but the range of what the average guy considers acceptable for a girl is MUCH wider than the range that the average girl considers acceptable for a guy.
How tall do you like your girls?
i can't date a guy shorter. my head will look bigger and then i can't wear heels and i will feel like a giraffe :( lol
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
I honestly want a guy that's 5'7 or taller, but I'm also 5'2 and half an inch tall lol. So my choice of guys is pretty broad lol.
Irrelevant. I don't look for that in a man. Besides, I'm only 4'11" so the average man in my area would be taller than me lol
I would prefer a taller guy, but as long as he has a good personality and everything I dont really care bout height
Hie tall are you
im 5'3 ish
I think it matters mostly to just guys who themselves are short. Maybe women who can't be seen coming around the corner from a cubicle wall.
How tall are you?
How tall do you like your girls?
@RaceAgainstMachine I'm pretty open to most heights...
What if she’s taller than you?
For me, not so much. I mean i would not care if a guy were few inch shorter than me. Though it would be pretty hard to be shorter than me as a guy.
How tall are you?
kinda , but it depends on the person , and their preferences
i don't mind dating short girls , but i don' like dating girls taller than me
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
Of course it's a bonus when the guy's taller. But I'm alright with the average American male height; 5'9.
How tall are you?
@MarcusBorino 5 foot.
I just can't date a girl under 35 feet tall, can't do it :(
Yeah. I'd put it down to personal preference.
I kind of feel bad for saying this, but I really wouldn't be cool with a short girlfriend- the closer she is to my height, the better :D
How tall are you?
Not much no. Except for if she's taller than me. If she's too tall then I don't see it working.
How tall are you?
@RaceAgainstMachine you asked me once already.
Slightly prefer to be the tallest one of the couple.
I'm not super conscious of it. But never really understood that obsession with tall female models with long legs.
How tall are you?
no height dnt matters... love is all what matters.. if thr is no affection however the person looks... no one give shit..
It's not all that important but I would prefer a girl somewhat close to my own height. I wouldn't mind if she was a bit taller even. I don't think guys care about height quite as much as women do.
How tall are you?
@RaceAgainstMachine I am 5ft11.
Only to the point that I want to be able to kiss her with ease and neither her nor I need to stand on something. So me being at 5'4" would be a gal who's 4'11" to about 5'8."
I prefer a few inches taller because I want to feel cute and tiny.
@sweetlivy haha in my case I'm tall for my location, and I'm also not skinny so I tend to be bigger than friends so I want my partner to be bigger than me.
How tall are you?
@MarcusBorino I'm about 5ft6. Most people here are 5ft2 or so.
So what if a guy was 5’7?
Is that a deal breaker?
@MarcusBorino its not a deal breaker just not my first choicr.
Would you wear heels if he was 5’7?
@MarcusBorino I never wear heels. They suck. Cause me pain and turn me into a cranky bitch.
Would 5’7 be a deal breaker if you wore heels?
@MarcusBorino I don't wear fuckung heels. Kapish!
Height in a girl doesn't matter to me she can be short or taller than me it wouldn't matter.
Height of women doesn't matter for men. Height of men often matters for women.
Yes. I prefer above 5' 5" and have gotten shit for saying that from short women lol
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
I obviously will date a girl who if shorter then me LOL and taller than me...
How tall are you?
Height doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t care how tall she is as long as she’s hot! I’m 5’8 by the way
Doesn't really matter, but I would prefer her to be the same height as me.
How tall are you?
So would 5’8 be a deal breaker?
Would you let her wear heels?
Would 5’9 be a deal breaker?
No, not at all, I have no preference at all :) I love all kinds of Women.
How tall are you?
type that question in search bar and you will be surprised how many times this question has been asked.
It shouldn't. But sadly does to a lot of people, especially women.
now I do have a preference which is short girls
but i can do tall i have seen cute tall girls
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
Not really but most my gf's just happened to be shorter
How tall are you?
it doesn't really matter to me, it would have to be very extreme to be a dealbreaker
I think it matters to me. Anything above 5'5" is good.
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
I’m really attracted to girls my height. I’m 5’7 and every girl I have dated has been between 5’6-5’8!
nah, i got more things to worry about in a potential partner than how tall they are
How tall are you?
i think that short girls are more beautiful... i like short girls
How tall are you?
Height matters esp when you are a guy'. Guys need to be a certain Height around six feet to be seen as normal appealing and manly enough.
not tremendously but to an extent
How tall are you?
to some people it does and to others... it doesn't
What about you?
@RaceAgainstMachine it depends on a lot of things
How tall are you and how tall do you like your guys?
It personally does to me yes..
@singlebee 5ft8 is shortest id go for which i'd say is pretty short as there are exceptions but in general i prefer 6plus yes
@singlebee i'm 5ft 2
@singlebee No i mean there are exceptions with the height thing as i said before :)
but i personally just find guys more attractive who are taller? so do lots of woman i am in the majority here.
@singlebee Stay loyal..
I'm 6'1... would you prefer a guy who is 6'3 or taller. Or is it simply.. i'd like him to just be above 6 foot.
@TheUsername27 Above 6ft but id prefer taller than that..
Sort of a fetish im guessing... small girls like huge dudes... each to their own i guess.
No but size does (penis length that is)
Yeah I at least wants a guy taller than me
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
Nope not at all probably because I'm pretty short
How tall are you?
Yeah duh; we want shorter girls.
How tall are you?
Anything above 5.0 ft is coo'
Yeah but i have a large range of desirable
what the shortest would you date?
Yes, it matter.
Why? How tall are you?
How tall do you like your guys?
I’m 5’8 I like girls that are 5’9
nope small height make girls more beautiful♥
How tall are you?
Nope never
Sure? Think again
@creativeuserguy i am pretty sure
Are you saying that a man's Height doesn't matter to you at all? Can you even date a guu that's short / shorter than you?
@creativeuserguy of course i can
Generally girls don't.
Ok great
What's your height?
@creativeuserguy 160 cm
And according to you, you can generate be attracted to a shorter man?
How about a man who is 153?
@creativeuserguy if i love him i would be with him
Good girl'. Most girls are very different from you.
Ok, odd question, am curious, can you accept/ like a guy who is naturally very hairy?
@creativeuserguy yeah i would the important thing is that heart for me
But what about looks and physical and sexual feelings and attractions?
@creativeuserguy they are not my first
But they do matter.
Don't you wear heels?
Ummm, but what if your super hairy man and you have to go-to beach? Wouldn't you be embarrassed and make him cover it up or maybe better wax everywhere?
You're a unicorn.
Height is irrelavant
How tall are you?
6 foot 1
You don’t have a preference?
I'm short 🤦♂️😔
How tall are you and how tall do you like your girls?
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