Why don't women just admit they're cheap and broke?

I watched this video and it's about an article written by a woman, suggesting date ideas to women for when they want to ask a man out.
So these are some ideas mentioned in the article that women can do when they want to ask a man on a date.
  • Grocery shopping with your date
  • Spending a date planning future dates with the man (that he has to pay for)
  • Get pedicures with your date
  • Plan a fake vacation
  • Play hide-and-seek
  • Teach your date how to knit
  • Play a game of "Never have I ever"
  • Go to a protest with your date
  • Show them your childhood photos
None of these ideas cost any money except grocery shopping and getting a pedicure but I doubt that the writer is going to pay for her date's grocery and pedicure.
And all of these women expect their dates to take them to a restaurant and spend money on them and if he doesn't, they'll call him immature; Yet all they are willing to do when they plan a date is to play hide-and-seek with a grown man. LMAO
Why don't women just admit they're cheap and broke?
2 Opinion