Is it normal for girl best friends to call eachother babe or baby?

(Lesbian here) my girlfriend has always had best friends that say babe and stuff but that was before we got together
we used to be best friends
today their best friend (who is bi, but currently on bumble and was gonna go on a date with a guy not long ago, has a kid, and isn't reallh my gfs type in the body weight area) messaged them and says “hey baby” and it really bothered me
i showed them and asked why they are calling them baby and they just said “i don’t know, it’s just something funny she does” and it very obviously bothered me
They told me that they had no feelings for them and never would, that they are like a sister and that they love me and if they wanted someone else they would Pursue them and Wouldn’t cheat
i trust them on that
but that thought lingers in my head because I’ve just never had my friends call me that, I don't know, I just wanted to make sure it was a normal thing for female friends to do that so I can drop it
(also they are hanging out Tuesday of this week and Wednesday but haven’t seen each other in several months)
Is it normal for girl best friends to call eachother babe or baby?
2 Opinion