Should I be worried about my boyfriends close girl friend?

They’ve known each other for a few months and they talk every single day, all the time. I wish I was exaggerating. It’s like she’s always constantly messaging him and he’s doing the same back. I have only met her once. She seemed nice but can’t really judge a person from one meeting. However there’s just been few too many things that have made me uncomfortable. I’ve caught glimpses of messages such as “just bought a dress.. glad I bought something tight fitting” Or she just sends him selfies of herself? It’s hard to get the full grasp of it all in 2000 words but there’s just things here and there that really bother me but I’m too self conscious of coming across as jealous girlfriend. I don’t want to get in the way of friendships. But she never stops messaging him all hours of the day and night. He sometimes jokes about cheating too. Which I’ve said I don’t like. For example; a few weeks ago he went out with her and another friend and the other friend had to leave for work. Yet they went out of their way to go back to his house even though she’s was tipsy. I wasn’t comfortable with it but again I don’t wanna be that girlfriend and I really trying to manage my jealousy issues. But he’s just made “joke” about how she tried to kiss him or that she gave him a look like she was going to kiss him. Like I don’t get the joke. He said he’s just trying to annoy me but I don’t get why you’d joke about that? Seems random right? He also tells her stuff before me, like I get sometimes you tell whoever in the moment but he’s always like “oh did I not send you this” and he’d then go on the messages with this girl to show me whatever it is. I’ve had issues with other girls he speaks to as well it’s like he goes out of his way to speak to girls and I understand sometimes you feel more comfortable with girls but he also says all the time “I can’t ever be friends with girls because they just get feelings for me” So why go out of your way? I don't know should I be worried?
Should I be worried about my boyfriends close girl friend?
9 Opinion