Am I good enough for him?

my boyfriend and i have been together for about a year now, I am 19 he is twice my age i am aware of the age difference but love is love. now we work together but we were dating/talking before we started working at the same job, so i see him outside of work and at work. im starting ton think i am not good enough for him.

he compliments other females more than he does me, there is the pet names he has for me like "holy moly" or "big bird" its ridiculous. I have asked him repeatedly to not call me those names and he does it anyway not sure if he is just joking but they make me feel bad.

i do not feel comfortable eating in front him or undressing in front him, i put in effort when it comes to my appearance, of course when i can you know, priorities but i know i can't always have my hair done or nails done to impress him and in order for me to even get a compliment i have to complain about how he does not compliment me and when he does its just "you look nice' or "you look good" but other females get "damn baby" only time he makes me feel good or when he is not picking with me is, when were being intimate he says the things i want to hear but not sure what to do anymore, i feel like im being controlled i pamper him makes sure he eats rub his back and feet everything a man can possibly want but i have only met the mother no one else and we dont really go out on that many dates i just feel like i am out of his lead financially and appearance wise maybe he deserves "TROPHY WIFE" because i do not feel like one. am i doing something wrong? what is wrong with me?
Am I good enough for him?
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