Women, for those of you with many options for flings/relationships - what actually makes certain men special/worth settling down with?

Nowadays with social media advertising yourself to endless advances from men, dating apps, college groups (sororities/frat gatherings), work setting, bars/clubs, day to day interaction with men --- how does a man truly distinguish himself as a great option for you to date or hook up with? It just seems like women have SO many options nowadays, why would they waste their time with someone more average overall? Even at times it seems like a friends with benefits or hook up with a man they prefer is more sought after than a guy that might be more realistic for a relationship. I. E. would rather share a top tier dude than be with an average guy - at least until they realize they want something else... years later.

The reason I'm asking is that it just seems so unlikely/rare for a younger attractive woman to like me or (average dudes) enough over all of her other plethora of options when considering looks, charisma, confidence, years of rapport (college/high school guy past lovers), income level, etc --- until maybe years much later when I'm no longer interested.
Women, for those of you with many options for flings/relationships - what actually makes certain men special/worth settling down with?
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