Which body type do you find the most attractive?

Further details below.
Further details below.
There was a survey about this image a long time ago and I'm interested on how people would answer it nowadays.

The following text isn't my own:
"I separated women's figures into four general types. (From my own studies)

I wonder which one of these is your favorite?

Poll question (results as of 2018-06-11)

Which are you attracted to or do you like?
1434 total

X-frame (buxom, hourglass)
279 / 19%
I-frame (slender)
359 / 25%
A-frame (plump bottom)
167 / 12%
O-frame (chubby)
629 / 44%"
(Sorry for the small text, it was over the character limit.)
(Sorry for the small text, it was over the character limit.)
(Sorry for the small text, it was over the character limit.)
(Sorry for the small text, it was over the character limit.)
I prefer X (Buxom)
I prefer I (Slender)
I prefer A (Plump Bottom)
I prefer O (Chubby)
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
(And before someone writes the obvious: Yes these are just drawings, use your imagination.)
Which body type do you find the most attractive?
Post Opinion