Should a woman stay single if she doesn't have a car/drivers licence?

I get asked out a lot. Not every day but a few times a week for sure. But despite that i have been single for 4 years. I would say one of my top reasons is because i dont have a car or know how to drive. Fear used to be the main reason i never got my licence, then procrastination, and eventually a lack of savings became the primary reason. I have been just barely scraping by lately because catching covid put me out of work for almost 2 weeks which, to my surprise was a way bigger hit to my pockets than i expected. I got behind on some bills and slowly started to inch my way closer to being financially in a place where I don't have to struggle but its been hard because i do everything on my own. Being a bit behind doesn't exactly make me feel inadequate as it could happen to anybody. But still. not having a car at my big age of 24 has been making me feel worse as i get older. So. even though i have a lot of date offers i constantly reject. Being single also didn't used to bother mw but lately im pretty lonely
Should a woman stay single if she doesn't have a car/drivers licence?
13 Opinion