I can’t stop texting this guy and I can’t get over him even though I don’t even like him that much and I don’t even see him. I need help?

This is a long story but I’ll try and keep it short. Basically me and this guy met while I was using drugs. We both used together and we’ve been on and off for 4 years now. I am now one year and 2 months clean. I have been talking to him for the past 7 months. I don’t love him, even tho I tell him I love him. ( I know, it’s terrible ). I don’t ever leave the house, I have no friends, and im super depressed. I think he is still using drugs and is always out doing god knows what. He always wants to see me but I don’t know what it is I can’t even bring myself to see him anymore. I can’t even leave the house im so depressed and I also think it will trigger me being around him since we used together. He really really likes me even tho he isn’t loyal and claims he loves me. He is fighting with me every day wondering why I don’t see him. I know this guy isn’t good for me, he’s not even that attractive, he’s still using (I think) and doesn’t respect me at all. But for some weird reason I. Can’t. Stop. Texting. Him. I tried over and over again. I don’t know what it is. I don’t even see him like I don’t understand why I can’t stop entertaining whatever it is. Do you guys have any idea why and what I should do? I need help. He says since I don’t see him he’s going to eventually just move on and find another girl since he’s a guy with “needs” aka sex. He says how much he loves me ( I don’t think it’s real love) but he is always texting me asking to hang out. I don’t even like him that much but the thought of him being with another woman makes me feel sick. I think I’m just continuing to entertain him so I can feel wanted by him. I’m not sure. I wish I could make this longer because there’s a lot more to the story. But that’s all I can fit in. Please give me some advice.
I can’t stop texting this guy and I can’t get over him even though I don’t even like him that much and I don’t even see him. I need help?
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