Why am I undateable? What is wrong with me?

I escaped an abusive relationship last year. It completely destroyed me. I’ve spent the past year rebuilding my life. Everything is going well in general in my life, the only thing that doesn’t work is my love life. No matter what I do, it’s like I just can’t bring myself to date. I’ve been on one date and the guy said there was no connection (yet he spent the whole date talking about himself).

I don’t go out drinking every weekend etc, I’m very active, always have something to do, I just enjoy life and make the most of things now. I’ve spoken on dating apps to quite a few different people now and without doubt every time they either ask for a “spoon” out of nowhere or they’ll say they want to meet you but they will barely make an effort to talk with you I. e they expect me to always message etc. Is it something I’m doing wrong? I don’t chase people, nor will I come over for a “spoon”. I just don’t get why a lot of guys are like this? I just get on with life, and I feel like just giving up on trying to date now as it seems really hard to find someone that’s just kind?
Why am I undateable? What is wrong with me?
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