I’ve been talking to this girl for about 6 months, is it too late to ask if she has feelings too?

This is a bit long, I’m very sorry!

So I started talking to this girl back in January and now it’s July. We get along so well, like ridiculously well. We love literally all the same things: music, tv, movies, fashion, even philosophies. We’ve texted literally every single day since we first met. We’ll talk for hours upon hours every day, before and after work and recap each other’s day along with the usual convos n all that. We almost know each other in and out. We’ve become something of best friends, but I’ve always wanted something more. I think I genuinely love her, but we’re both the type to never ask the other person first. However I’ve been feeling a lot more confidence lately as I’ve been hitting the gym for about the last 5 months so I’ve been feeling like asking if maybe she has feelings too. Coupled with the fact that recently she had said that she wouldn’t let a guy friend liking her as a reason to rid of their friendship, so I’ve been feeling a bit more daring and thinking “maybe she was trying to hint me to not be afraid to ask her” maybe? She did a similar thing when she wanted me to ask her to prom, and when I did she was very excited. Looking back in hindsight, I feel she may’ve tried to hint me a few times but I was too dense to see it lol

I really really care about her so much but I’m afraid it may be too late, like we’ve dug this friendship hole for so long there’s maybe no way back? I’m also still afraid she may not feel the same and that could possibly ruin our friendship, even though she said it wouldn’t. I don’t want her out of my life and I want more but I’m afraid those two things may conflict with each other.

Please let me know what you think and what I should do, thank you so much :)
I’ve been talking to this girl for about 6 months, is it too late to ask if she has feelings too?
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