Does it sounds like his dad dislikes/likes me?

BAD things
- [ ] said she’s got you wrapped around her finger to him
- [ ] said i could’ve brought her own car
- [ ] said i’m going to get him caught up
- [ ] brought up me using his brush again: after i apologized first
- [ ] said does she even read the bible to him because he assumed we have sex a lot since we were upstairs a lot
-& said he needs to focus on school more when he defended me & about i was hurt about the bible comment & stuff.
- [ ] barely starts conversations (i’ll ask how are you & he never ask how i am, he’ll crack jokes & leave but never ask how’s college & stuff)

GOOD things
- [ ] talked to me a lot the first day i met him
- [ ] bought me a Christmas gift (prob because i bought him one lol)
- [ ] talked to me a bit at the airport for my boyfriend & I ‘s trip
- [ ] said your girlfriends is going to like your haircut
Does it sounds like his dad dislikes/likes me?
2 Opinion