If I'm so beautiful as everyone claims I am then why don't men talk to me?

I'm a very insecure person and always have been. I try to mask it though the best I can in public. People always give me these out of this world compliments like I'm out of this world stunning when I'm not (I know I'm not) Like my nose is ugly etc. I'm convinced people are lying to me all the time

People always tell me everyone is staring at me and I know they are but surely it can't be because of beauty. Men stare at me all the time, I do get hit on a lot but only by creeps or male wh*res.

I feel so lost, men who I like look at me but they never come up to me so I think they must be looking because of something else. Other girls I know don't have this problem. My last relationship was when I was 16 and I'm 20. Tbh I haven't been looking for anything until like a month ago and I've been going out a lot but nothing really happens. I sound so ridiculous I know, what do you think may be the problem?

If I'm so beautiful as everyone claims I am then why don't men talk to me?
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