Short women have their pick of men because every straight guy has a thing for petite women. Since short women don't get a lot of women, they think they have only the short women pool to go for, so they hope that short women will go for them. When in truth, a lot of tall women would date them if they could get over the insecurity of being shorter than their woman. But men like to be taller than their women, so they want the shorter women usually. Even the taller men will go for women that are shorter in comparison, not taller than them.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
It's not only short women, it's women in general. The preference of tall men is shallow. How often do you meet a tall man that meets all your criteria? Only 1 - 3% of tall men are the ideal tall men women want. Majority of tall men are not good looking. Also many tall men are socially awkward and very weird. There's a small percentage that are actually worth dating. But compared to the men that are not tall, there's way more men in that range worth dating than tall men. Height doesn't define a person but women seem to think tall height makes a good man, no it doesn't.
Valuing something like height in a person does not make a relationship strong. However if you do happen to meet the ideal tall guy then that's sufficient enough to use him as an example for your liking, but stating what you like doesn't really adhere to the majority of tall guys that are out there at all.
00 Reply
2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. It's a simple matter of preference. It's nobody else's business.
I'm 6'2" and prefer short women. My tallest girlfriend was probably 5'6", my shortest was 5'2" and my wife is 5'5".
Those weren't conscious choices and I wouldn't have rejected someone for being taller. But, in reality, 5'4" is the average height for American woman and 5'3" is the global average.
I think short girls are extra cute. So sue me. They are also a lot of fun in bed. They are easy to pick up and toss around. That's why girls under 5' are super appealing. I'm always amazed at how bad ass they have be to take on a big, strong guy.
I can understand why some women find taller guys aesthetically attractive. But I think that many also love sex with guys who are big and strong. It's a sexual thrill.00 Reply
I honestly wouldn’t let it bother you. I’m 4’11 and have generally dated men between 5’7-6’4 and never had any issues with doing that in the real world. My current boyfriend is 5’4 and it is a lot less awkward and actually pretty nice. I don’t think it matters how tall or short the person you end up with is so long as you’re both happy, but height shouldn’t be the only deciding factor. There are amazing people that come in different sizes that you shouldn’t reject just because they don’t hit whatever minimum requirement you have in your head but also other people’s thoughts/opinions don’t really matter if they aren’t the ones in the relationship
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
I was told the other day that Chinese Rulers from the North literally built the huge canal just to get to the South sooner, cause South is famous for its short girls, while North China, especially Shandong Province is famous with its tall people.
So, men have no right judging anyone for their choices.
15 Reply- 1 y
@lafemmefatale_1. That is female delusional thinking. From the land of Sun Tzu, I assure you they did not build a canal just to have access to "short women". Use your damn head.
- 1 y
@KrakenAttackin That is what Chinese man told me. Not a female delusion.
- 1 y
I was told that exactly 1 week ago.
- 1 y
@lafemmefatale_1. That is a fairy tail.
16.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. There's always some haters, so don't worry about it.
11 Reply- 1 y
Women don't like short guys and Men don't like Fat women. Everyone has a preference.
10 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
I know it's not a popular opinion but I think that short women who are into big height differences have unresolved mental issues of some kind, often daddy issues. I get wanting a man taller than you as a woman but wanting a man significantly taller when you're short is just strange. If you look at short woman super tall guy relationships the woman always has a weird thing with infantilizing herself, she also gets off the attention it gets, you just can tell she loves the comments of people saying they look like dad and daughter and stuff like that. That desire for a way way taller man is more normalized in countries where you can see women have that weird self infantilizing thing going on. America, certain Asian countries... It's almost always there, can be a subtle or noticeable degree. Just think about it
11 Reply- Asker1 y
No. Not for me. I just genuinely find really tall men more attractive and they’re more masculine. And that’s the case for most women. Plus, the men I’ve dated have been football or basketball players.
1 yThey hated me for loving my tall boyfriend and now year latter we are married and they are still hating me!
Never understand why some hate and they don't really make sense!
We love who we love but women can't have opinions in Thier minds we are too dumb lmao!
20 Reply- 1 y
I think it's because the average guy's height is taller to you than it is for average and tall women. However, I do not think it's something to hate on you for.
It'd be silly if you required it, but you're allowed to require whatever you want out of a relationship, as it's your life. It doesn't hurt anyone, but yourself, so it'd be stupid to hate on you for it. Again, that's if you require it. It just being a preference is normal, as it's hard to control what you naturally prefer.10 Reply - 1 y
Who the fuck took time out of their day to rant and why didn't you walk away (if you could)?
Sounds to me whoever lectures you is just butthurt tall men don't like her. I'd say that she ranted to you for being appealing and short for an hour is a demonstration of why she's not getting dates.01 Reply- Asker1 y
Yes it was mainly a tall woman and a short man. I said there’s 7 billion people in the world, there will be tall men that prefer tall women.
- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
lol not sure why that person decided to waste their time telling YOU what YOU shouldn't like just because you're short... can't believe you let that happen for an hour... whoever told you that is so butthurt... it has nothing to do with you, that person is just projecting on to you so you can feel as bad as they do.
11 Reply- Asker1 y
I did it out of politeness plus there was more girls there then got cussed out when I said “Most people are gonna ignore you and date whoever.”
616 opinions shared on Dating topic. It's when you say you demand someone who is six feet tall and you are barely five feet tall that people get irritated. Plus that is a sensitive topic for a bunch of guys because you're judging us based off a factor that we have absolutely no control over. It's not like if we're fat, we can control that (unless there's some medical issue we're dealing with), this is out of our control. Now if you want someone taller than you, that's fine, but just be aware with how you present it.
04 Reply- Asker1 y
The people Im usually attracted to are athlete types, and those are usually the ones who approach me. I’ve never dated anyone who’s my height or close to it. 🤷🏻♀️
- Asker1 y
@marish01 That’s mainly who approaches me so yes.
- Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Competition. Girls HATE competition. ESPECIALLY for high value guys. So yeah--tall girls like to act like they "own" tall guys and short girls should stay away. But the truth is, guys generally don't give a shit about height on girls. We tend to just like smoking hot bodies. And very often, that comes on a petite girl.
The other place this shows up is with smart guys. Girls at top end universities and at high powered jobs or graduate programs, hate, hate, HATE it when a dude in their cohort starts dating a smokeshow who's a school teacher or something. Again, they like to act like they "own" the smart guys. Doesn't work that way.
00 Reply - 1 y
Hmm. I'm not sure. I'm tall and while it never really mattered to me, as I'm almost 30, I do prefer shorter woman than my height. I've gone through phases of liking women my height, average height women, shorter woman, and all. Hmm. I guess the question i want to know is what short women get out of dating a taller man or an actually tall man by average standards taller? Like, is it something physically attractive or is it in a way of physical allure or I don't know. 🤔😂
02 Reply- 1 y
And whether who's more the interested, the shorter woman wants a taller man, or the taller man likes the idea of a shorter woman. I guess I don't know 😬🙂
- 1 y
*typo - shorter women, not *woman singular lol, typo sentence. 😋😋😋😜
- 1 y
The person who lectured you is the one who has issues.
Whoever lectured you literally needs their ass kicked into submission so they learn to keep their big fat mouth out of other people’s business.20 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
I don’t know. 🤷🏻♀️ I don’t like tall men. I’m 5ft flat…
I’d like a guy at 5’5 to 5’8. A tad taller than me or under 6ft. Because I want to make out, I want to look in his eyes. I don’t like a man to tower over me like the Eiffel Tower. I hate it. It makes me feel intimidated and harassed.
05 Reply- Asker1 y
I’m your height and I have never dated anyone that short. Most of the guys I date fall in the 5’11+ range. Why is that?
- Opinion Owner1 y
Preference. I guess. The last guy I was obsessed with was 5’6. Or 5’5.
But MANN, was he hot and attractive as hell 😚 - Asker1 y
I’ve never dated a man that short lol
- Opinion Owner1 y
LMAOO. Yeah it was kinda weird. But I’m not lying when I tell you.
I’m not even lying - Asker1 y
brad pitt isn’t that cute to me lmao, i think short women dating short men just makes tall women less insecure.
5.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. It's not that women have that standard it's that a lot of the time women get offended when they get rejected for not meeting a standard of a similar caliber men want in them.
So there's a bit of hypocrisy there I think that's what mainly men dislike about the whole thing.
00 Reply- 1 y
no idea, i have date a guy (many years ago ) who was similar height to me 160cm ish and also a guy who was 182 cm. never be concerned with height. if anything its easier to look a guy in the eyes when he's the same height.
12 Reply- 1 y
meant to put 192 cm
- Asker1 y
well that’s you, many women find tall men more attractive.
- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I’ve noticed that 90% of the people who are like that have some form of insecurity with their height. (Namely, short men and tall women.) Pay no mind to them. They will most likely say it’s “logical” for a shorter woman to date a shorter man; even though that doesn’t make a lick of sense.
20 Reply - 1 y
I would not listen to someone lecture me on a preference LOL
23 Reply- Asker1 y
Why not? 💀😭
- 1 y
Cuz it is a waste of my time and I don't need to listen to someones complaints that probably have nothing to do with them personally.. even if it was my friend I would tell him/her to mind his/her own business..
- Asker1 y
They got upset because I didn’t make them feel “heard” 💀
- 1 y
Because, if you are short date a guy taller than you. Why do you need a guy 6'3"? Girls 5'10" struggle as it is then all you pipsqueaks want a 6'7" dude? Like why? So annoying.
24 Reply- Asker1 y
Well I mostly date athletes. So I don't know what to tell you. Plus, there’s many tall men who like tall women, they might just not approach you.
- 1 y
I'm not tall. I'm 5'7" and I have no issue with a guy my height and have even dated shorter. I just feel for really tall girls.
- Asker1 y
Ok but that’s YOU.
- 1 y
Right. It's an opinion site. You asked people's opinion about it. So here they are.
1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. same reason high body count men get hated on for liking low body count women
or hairy men get hated for liking hairy women
or men who don't wear dresses get hated on for liking women who wear dresses
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
For the same reason women lecture guys for not liking FAT women. And when you think about it not liking fat women is more logical than not liking short men. If your fat you can always lose weight. If a guy is short there's not much he can do to change that.
00 Reply 340 opinions shared on Dating topic. As I understand it, it's not the liking tall men that gets the hate. Rather rejecting men for being short or not tall enough.
11 Reply- Asker1 y
If they find that more attractive oh well
Same reason guys get hated on for not liking overweight women. I mean something like 40% of American women are obese.
00 Reply- 1 y
Caring about height in general is dumb, it has no impact on relationships and doesn't effect looks.
07 Reply- Asker1 y
In my opinion it makes a man look better lmao
- 1 y
It objectively doesn't though, 2 men can look identical to eachother with one being scaled up or down to the other. Proportions effect looks, but height by itself does not. If 2 guys with the same proportions but different heights, each sent you a picture of themselves with monocolor backgrounds, you'd not even be able to tell what height they were.
- Asker1 y
I think it adds to a man. That’s why male models are tall lol
- 1 y
Male models tend to vary wildy in height. Same for female models.
- Asker1 y
most famous male models are tall.
- 1 y
Doubtful, heights vary too much.
- Asker1 y
Literally google it. All the famous ones are all over 6 feet or in that range. It’s a fact. It’s a height requirement in male modelling.
3.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. That's kinda like dating women for their big tits. We don't know whether you love us or our height and women don't know whether they are loved or their big tits.
00 Reply- 1 y
There is no reason for it. Some people just have issues and hate other people for no logical reason.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Is this really a thing in real life? I mean I'm barely 5' 2", my boyfriend is 6'3", and I've never had anyone judge me for it.
01 Reply- Asker1 y
That’s cute af
- 1 y
Just because women obsess about height doesn’t mean think about this.
00 Reply - 1 y
Mostly because men are shamed for any superficial preferences at all while women are praised for having immutable superficial preferences.
00 Reply Why do fat men get hated on for liking slim/fit women?
20 Reply- 1 y
Shorter guys hate on your choice because it's not something they can change. That's the theory!
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I dont care for tall men at all, but i just hear jokes about how short women wanting tall men means tall women have nothing left but short men. I don't know 🤷♀️
01 Reply- Asker1 y
what do you mean “nothing left”? the only reason why they’d feel that way is if they’re insecure.
14K opinions shared on Dating topic. People who have an obsession with height are total weirdos.
01 Reply- Asker1 y
I don’t. I just find taller men more attractive. I can’t help that.
I think many people criticize women for liking tall men as it is a thing they have no control over, thus making it body shaming for everyone also who don't meet their standards
00 Reply596 opinions shared on Dating topic. Its called Tall girl syndrome. Basically they are gals who want a tall/taller guy and are jealous of shorter gals who got one.
10 Reply- 1 y
Prefer whatever you prefer. You are allowed to have preferences no matter how delusional they are.
10 Reply 443 opinions shared on Dating topic. I can honestly tell you that tall and very tall women are the most worst and single women around the globe generally speaking. I've noticed it all my entire life.
00 Reply1K opinions shared on Dating topic. They dont.
They get hate for specifing the height of 6ft or above.
Thats an incredibly small number of men.
04 Reply- Asker1 y
And? If this isn’t a woman you’re interested in, why care?
- 1 y
Its not that i care. The problem is that guys who are 6ft or above are a minority.
This disqualifies most men just for their height.
Imagine if guys said theyre only into women with natural c or above cups
Most women dont hae natural c or above do they?
And no i dont have i height issue. Im 6 - Asker1 y
so you do care😂 if you didn’t, you wouldn’t reply.
- 1 y
Because you are disqualifying a vast majority of men based on a characteristic they have no control over.
00 Reply Who the hell were you talking to to get lectured for an hour?
01 Reply- Asker1 y
I didn’t really have a choice it’s polite lmfao
All women dont get lectured for liking tall men. Who lectured you for an hour?
01 Reply- Asker1 y
They were passionate about the topic and I couldn’t just be like “Stop talking to me.” 🤣💀
4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. It’s not that. It’s you b*tches asking why it’s so hard for guys to ask you out. Oh maybe because you’re so fcking vain.
00 Reply- 1 y
They get flack from average and tall women for "stealing" the tall hunks.
00 Reply I don't like short women, because they give birth to short children.
110 ReplyNot all do. My sister is only 5 foot and her son is 6 foot, while my other sister is like 4 foot 9 and her son is 5'10.
There is a guy that has a YouTube channel with millions of subscribers his parents and siblings may be short but he over 6 foot. I think his name is Pete
A woman who was once friends with my now ex, she is 5'3 and her 11 year old daughter is already 5'5 and she is still growing.
My mum was also short and I towered over her. So not all short women give birth to short kids- 1 y
@NotInterestedSorry Those girls are taking a lot of tall guy pipe.
- 1 y
- 1 y
@KrakenAttackin well that is unnecessary don’t you think? They are both his parents. Not going to engage with this further
- 1 y
My dad, a WWII vet, was no more than 5'7" and my mom was barely 5'2". I'm 6'2" and my sister is 5'7".
My mom's dad was 6'. One of her brothers was 5'11" and the other was 6'3".
My dad's father was maybe 5'6". My dad's sister was 5'1" or 5'2" and his brother was at least 6'.
His grandfather was a big guy.
So genetics is tricky. You sometimes inherit traits from grandparents or great grandparents. Also nutrition makes a difference.
The idea that a short woman is going to produce short children is nonsense.
- Anonymous(Under 18)1 y
It’s the same as guys saying “I only like in fit women”
00 Reply - 1 y
I like short women and I’m tall. Only issue is my neck sometimes hurts lol
00 Reply 453 opinions shared on Dating topic. It's not the preference that is hated on, it is the double standard in play that's hated on.
00 Reply5.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because it's a bigoted preference. Men cannot easily change their height.
01 Reply- 1 y
Not can women change the fact that they are getting older, however, we all know how men treat those over 40. World’s not a fair place.
- 1 y
? Not sure! I am 5'2, husband is 6'2 😅
10 Reply - 1 y
Was the person who lectured you a short guy?
11 Reply- Asker1 y
Yes, a tall girl along with a short guy
We do? 🤣 IDGAF. I like who I want. 🙃🤷🏽♀️
01 Reply- Asker1 y
- 1 y
I like tall men.
00 Reply Your life, your choice
10 Reply1K opinions shared on Dating topic. who cares at this point or any point
00 Reply- 1 y
don't know like smaller women myself I'm 6'4
00 Reply May be they had crush on you
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)1 y
I think it is because women don't like short guys.
00 Reply 13.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. They don't
00 Reply
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