I'm 45. But I'm fairly fit. Defo young at heart. I'm sick of dating apps. I want to stop "looking" but still put myself out there so opportunity can come knocking lol. And get female friends (or mixture male female) to hang out with so I don't feel so lonely which makes me feel more desperate for a partner. I'm thinking get into a sport. Either watching or participating. I've never been into sports tho. I like badminton but it's not a team thing. I liked hockey as a kid...
- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
Look at meet-up groups, they have every kind of team sport and age group imaginable. Also churches have leagues and they're always looking for good players. And most cities have organized sports which is mostly older people. That's the whole idea behind the show Parks & Recreation (though it's not completely ridiculous like that). And if you're really stuck, join a bowling team. You will make a lot of friends quite fast, and many of them will know where all the other sports are in town.
31 Reply
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- 1 mo
try running groups? they are everywhere, and gather people on different levels... I play badminton, tennis, speedminton... everywhere are people and they often look for a pair to play... it's enough to ask if they have any organized groups and if you can join them...
00 Reply
992 opinions shared on Dating topic. Whichever one you have acess to and feel you can commit to.
Team sports at your age is not an easy task. Most athletes retire around that time in their lives. You need to find something completely amateur not full of wannabe pros.
Volleyball could be fun
Bowling maybe01 Reply
- 1 mo
Pickleball is very popular now. And adult softball leagues continue to be popular. You could also volunteer to be a coach for youth sports leagues. You'd be surprised how many adults (including single/divorced moms) you can meet there. Check them out and meet people.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
Have you tried curling? Curling is usually something that people around that age tend to do and usually it's in groups regularly get together. It's not as strenuous as some of the other sports like hockey or even football it's also easier on the joints.
01 Reply370 opinions shared on Dating topic. I totally know how you feel. I am in the same boat as you. I live in Los Angeles, so there is always something go on. I have joined mixed leagues for softball, volleyball and bowling. I always have a great time. I also meet people of different ages. Does this help?
12 Reply- 1 mo
I like the idea of soft ball and volleyball. I'm in UK so I'm not sure how easy it is to find. But I'm hoping to find something. Is it social after the event? And all ages is great. It's hard to find women that are like me (still like to club, like younger men). Not that that's important in this context.
- 1 mo
Yes, kinda a social event. We sign up through like a YMCA or community center. Or sometimes just people from the restaurant industry. We have men and women from all ages. Ranging from about 20 to 55. Sometimes we go out after a game to eat and hang out some more. It's a lot of fun.
- 1 mo
Hmm... bowling? Ultimate Frisbee? The golf version, which is presumably less ultimate? Bossaball, because volleyball played on a trampoline with Samba referees needs to be the Olympics, damn it?
00 Reply - u1 mo
Padel... that one is becoming popular, for sure... lol
https://www.youtube.com/embed/SQoGk_BUVQM06 Reply- 1 mo
I bet you'll find one... there's always these clubs and padel spots hidden somewhere lmao...
even at the roofs of buildings, you'll find people playing over there - 1 mo
- 1 mo
Ah! @NathanDavis, this is the first time I've heard it called padel. Around here, pickle ball is VERY popular. There are clubs with matches scheduled daily. A lot of people seem to play less formally, with friends. @Crimsyjo, this may be your perfect combination of exercise and socialize.
FWIW, pickle ball is so popular here that the sound of the ball hitting paddle has caused issues with people living close to the courts it's played on. Sometimes people play late into the night or just after sunrise. Early in the summer that can be as early as 5 am.
- 1 mo
either paddle or pickleball, whichever you find... should be good
- 1 mo
My first thought would be Mixed Cricket or Football. I won't suggest mixed rugby for obvious reasons!! lol
00 Reply - 1 mo
I've had luck when I took up group tennis lessons, learning to sail, group golf lessons. Playing comes softball. Night classes in just about any topic.
00 Reply 6.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. I looked into playing Rugby. I played in college and there is a couple of teams starting near where I live. I changed my mind about it.
00 Reply5.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Learn to sail and then try sailing on racing sailboats. They always need crew and you'll meet a lot of people.
02 Reply- 1 mo
Rowing is very physically demanding, but you might enjoy it and I would encourage you to at least give it a try. It may take some physical conditioning to begin with so be aware of that.
Sailboat racing takes less physical strength but a lot more spatial awareness and knowledge of how the boat works and what you need to do to keep it working. Some boating courses with basic safety components in basic sailing components would be a good start for you. Also, if you can talk some people to letting you come along for the ride on a casual race or just even on a casual sail that too would be very helpful and promote your entry into the sport. I've been sailing and sailboat racing since I was 5 years old and I'm still learning.
1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. I find co-ed softball is a good one. Mixed badminton clubs are also good.
00 Reply- 1 mo
There are also walking/jogging clubs or "couch to 5k" classes
00 Reply - 1 mo
ultimate frisbee might be something to look into?
12 Reply- 1 mo
haha I never saw them! Where there is a will, there is a way ;)
- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Cornholing. Cornholing is something both men and women can do together as neither gender has an physical advantage. Plus you can drink and be sociable while cornholing.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Doubles Pickleball or Tennis.
13 Reply- 1 mo
There are clubs and groups who meet regularly at the courts. Just go down there and ask around and say you're interested in playing but have no partner. They'll hook you up.
- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
I love female your age for a reason
22 Reply- Opinion Owner1 mo
Awe 🥰 glad to hear
- 1 mo
Why would your age hold you back?
02 Reply- 1 mo
If you can run or play volleyball, you can run and play volleyball! who caress how old you are? I'm a lot older than you and, if someone started up a game here, I'd get into it!
Pickleball for sure
10 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
Hockey, tennis, golf, boxing, mma, baseball, etc.
01 Reply- Opinion Owner1 mo
Wasn’t paying attention to the question 🤣
Sorry sorry I was distracted, ignore boxing mma and golf….
Swimming, running, cycling01 Reply- 1 mo
Tennis if u played doubles
00 Reply - 1 mo
Why not revisit hockey or try netball
00 Reply Maybe volleyball
10 Reply- 1 mo
00 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Pickle Ball
00 Reply- 1 mo
Try bowling
00 Reply 2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. pickleball
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