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Be honest, do women like honest, genuine, thoughtful and mature men with calm nature or party-type guys that talk to several women and excite them?

I know this question seems like an obvious “yes” or whatever and probably 100% of the women here are going to say yes “so long as he’s not needy, or desperate or a pushover or a simp or whatever”

But the truth is I am exactly that guy and yet I’ve still had trouble dating

Now to be clear I don’t walk around with this crass sense of entitlement or whatever. And neither do I do “nice things” for women just because I’m trying to impress them or whatever.

I hold the door for people behind me IN LITERALLY EVERY situation. For friends, for random people, for women, for men, for old people, for disabled people.

And I don’t go around thinking any woman owes me anything either.

But the fact of the matter is, when I try talking to them, they don’t show interest.

It’s literally just “oh cool, you exist” and the conversation ends in like 5 seconds.

If I try to show interest in them, or ask them basic questions about themselves like what they study, or what their hobbies are, it’s literally often “why do you care”

So rude.

And no I don’t just approach “the prettiest women” either. I’ve approached LITERALLY EVERY KIND OF WOMAN. Including those I’m not attracted to.

To these women I get the impression that I’m just not an exciting or entertaining enough guy for them.

And I’m not ugly or anything either, I’m of probably average physical appearance.

Anyway, the truth is I haven’t really been trying all that much because I feel exhausted but I’m just stating plainly how things normally seem to go.

On average I’d approach maybe 2-3 girls a month in various situations.

But in University almost all the girls seemed obsessed with parties and alcohol for some reason.

And as much as people say “oh just like get involved with the church group and you’ll find a good woman there”

Well I did. And they were friendly to me.

But it was only a small pool of women to begin with, and given that good quality women tend to have bfs, I was kind of out of luck in that regard.

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AND TO BE TOTALLY CLEAR to anyone reading this, I am not a guy that’s “just sexually frustrated and not getting laid”

Like yeah, the truth is I’m a virgin but that doesn’t mean I see it as an issue because the truth is, I’d prefer to wait and fight the right person, and then just have sex then.
Be honest, do women like honest, genuine, thoughtful and mature men with calm nature or party-type guys that talk to several women and excite them?
Post Opinion