weeks? Months? Years?
8 years single... who knows. I've given up, still look good and dress nice. Nothing ever happens! Certainly not when I least expect it too.
10 Reply
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- 14 d
Well... I hit the 15 year mark of bachelorette life. I think I'm either cursed or content being single 🤔
82 Reply- 14 d
This was epic 👀👀👀 lol 😆😆😆😆🤫 - sounds like me when I'll be old man single man 😅 - "never been kissed" 💋
- 14 d
What Girls & Guys Said
- 14 d
Are you aware there's an account on here that is copying and mocking your account?
32 Reply- 14 d
Yeah someone told me lol People just be peanut butter and jealous I guess.
- 14 d
Just making sure you were aware lol.
2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. I am recently single now , since my wife and I separated , I am in no rush to jump into another relationship , but I wouldn’t mind meeting a girl that is in no rush to jump into a relationship, I prefer FWB’s first with a girl before making the big decision of being committed together
10 Reply- 14 d
Probably a year or more... I don't know. My life is very unexpected. All of my relationships started pretty unexpectedly every time in my life.
20 Reply 22K opinions shared on Dating topic. Around two centuries.
However long I want.20 Reply- 14 d
Indefinitely. I'm not actively looking for love now that I'm single again but if it happens to come my way, I will take it the first chance I get. If that means my ex comes around to giving us another chance again I will take it or if that means someone else is supposed to come into my life, I will take that as well.
10 Reply Probably awhile.. years.. maybe longer. I don't have the desire to be in love or have anyone love me. It has brought more pain than happiness to my life. I love myself and at peace. I'm content with being alone but who knows maybe one day someone will be enough to change my perspective on love. But if it never happens then it never happens. Not something I have any desire to control either way.
20 ReplyAs long as I wanna be lol. The single life feels good after being in a relationship for 14 years.
20 ReplyI broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years 2 months ago, was single sort of still am but I’m in a complicated “relationship” like seeing a guy right now so I would say months? 😭 it feels like this might be going somewhere
10 ReplyWell, I don't have any prospects now, unless someone I know is truly interested in commitment. So I think if nothing happens, I will be alone forever and at my age, I really can't hope for more. I like living alone but I also like company and always liked the idea of growing old with someone.
00 Reply- 14 d
I’ve already been single for almost 10 years now. I don’t see that changing in the next 10 let alone the next however long it takes until I die
10 Reply - 14 d
The rate my colleague is going, couple more years.
20 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)14 d
At this rate, probably forever. I separated from my child's dad and I just have a hard time dating now. Being a mom is my top priority, not dating. And with today's world, how do you trust ANYONE around your child? Sad but true. I do just fine with myself.
00 Reply - u14 d
I am currently married.
30 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)14 d
If I was single I would probably go back to whichever of my friends with benefits was single at the time, probably a few months after we broke up.
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)14 d
Until I decide I don’t want to be anymore. Abstinence has been the best choice I’ve made! Clarity and Self confidence is at the top. It’s for myself, so I could care less if it’s unattractive in any what so ever way.
Everything’s paid on time, the home is clean and the energy is everything. Nothings daul or heavy in my life, I make sound decisions and I make more. lol what’s not to like10 Reply 475 opinions shared on Dating topic. After the hell of my divorce ------------ I will never get married again.
10 Reply- 13 d
24 never been in one don't see it happening soon. Have some trauma, no luck at all with dating apps and generally feel like an outcast
10 Reply 3.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Doubt I'll find a real world girlfriend this year.
10 Reply- 14 d
Great question. I date but I have not had anything serious since early 2022.
10 Reply - 14 d
Forever. Because unfortunately, the number of religious white, moral Canadian women is decreasing.
20 Reply - 14 d
At least 2 more years. I hope to be stable with income and have a place of my own before I go out looking for a woman to love
10 Reply - m13 d
Until I decide not to be I guess. It tends to vary every time.
10 Reply - 11 d
To be honest I'm not sure but probably years, how many specifically probably depends on wether luck/effort at self improvement makes more of a difference in success at dating.
00 Reply I’m already 30 never got a first boyfriend. I’m trash and not good enough 😞
10 Reply- 14 d
It depends on how much I lower my standards xD
10 Reply I could be in relationship on the next week if i wanted to. But that relationship would not be something that fulfills me and would cause pain. In other words waste of time
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)14 d
Until I meet a woman that convinces me my life would better not being single. So in other words, it's unlikely to change.
10 Reply - 14 d
I don't know. But it's not exactly my main concern if I am being totally honest.
00 Reply 1.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. I am at a point where i am not actively looking to complicate my life. Been there and done that.
00 Reply- 15 d
I just thank God I'm not.
30 Reply 725 opinions shared on Dating topic. I'm not single anymore and I haven't been for the last 35 years
00 Reply- 11 d
This is a easy question to answer. Single for the rest of my life.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)14 d
Probably until my next reincarnation :P
00 Reply - 14 d
If I'm still single at 35, then I'll probably remain that way.
00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. At this rate, forever. Lmao
30 Reply11.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Married 10 years last month.
20 Reply- 11 d
Apparently, the rest of my life!
10 Reply - 14 d
All men are gigolos so might as well stay single forever
00 Reply 646 opinions shared on Dating topic. Until I die of old age maybe 80?
10 Reply- 14 d
I think years honestly
20 Reply - 12 d
Forever lol boys are too rude
00 Reply Definitely until my last breath
00 Reply- 14 d
Not likely any time soon!
00 Reply - 14 d
A lifetime 😋😊😋😊
10 Reply - 10 d
Single for life. 🙏🏻😇
00 Reply 417 opinions shared on Dating topic. Forever
11 ReplyApparently as long as I have standards.
00 Reply5.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Forever.
10 Reply2.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. IM SURE I'LL NEVER PULL A GIRL AGAIN SADLY
00 Reply- 13 d
Only time will tell
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)14 d
00 Reply
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