1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. There's a very beautiful thing that happens when there is a real communication between two people we all have this Aura around us it goes out 15 ft around this and that's energy and people say they see colors of this energy different colors make different things but the truth of the matter is it goes deeper than that there is an energy within us that goes straight into the person that you're talking to these energies communicate with each other it is the thing that when we pass away our energy gathers everything that we have ever said and done and become it takes our heart our soul our mind our spirit and it takes it into another dimension so that energy is alive energy never dies but when two energies become friends it's one of the most beautiful things ever
There are relationships that you're in boyfriend girlfriend you break up and you're angry in your heart for a couple weeks and you move on but then there's relationships that you have and when your energies fall in love with each other and you break up and all of a sudden you can't sleep you can't think you're going crazy because it's not like you your body wants to do different things it wants to lay around and mope feel sorry it's because your energy and that other energy are they're actually mournings the last of each other they are in pain it hurts and you the real you are going what is going on with me I'm not like this I don't feel this way but something has a control of your body it's the same thing with what you're talking about your energies connected they fell in love they like each other and now they're not around each other anymore and yours is saying what happened why aren't you with this
Person I mourn for this person and even though you wanted to stop it doesn't stop because your energy is 10 times more powerful but if you can understand energy you can get out of it you can let it go
Human beings are 10 times more special than anybody ever even knows because we have been lied to other who we truly are in this world and what we're capable of doing until you understand energy and here's the crazy part is it all sounds crazy everything I just said sounds crazy but start seeking knowledge about this and understand it and if you can do this you will understand everything I just said is true and when you can understand that you're going to change your life and become a whole another person you will become one with yourself because you will love yourself you will stay away from drama you will be the best person you could possibly be because now you understand what we're all here for and then you're going to become one with others you're going to help you're going to give anybody that needs to help in hand because you can 'and you want to and then you're going to become one with this universe the fabric of life because everything on this planet is energy the chair of your sitting in is energy there's molecules in their moving radio your voice frequencies is all energy and it's all bouncing off of each other working together in the fabric of life the universe and the universe is God become one with him if you can't see it as God see it as pure energy and understand it you can have it all if you become it all allow yourself to feel what you feel there's nothing wrong with it understand the reason why you feel what you feel there's nothing wrong with that and then change it and make it even better but you have to understand it first you can't let go because you don't have a hold of it your energy does00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
It's an imaginary situation that has no faults and thus difficult to find a release from. Your attachment is so strong that you've fixated on this character instead of a real life individual with traits you seek BUT with things you don't know about.
Moving on will need time for you to spend time with real people in a frame of mind that's conscious of the traits you find attractive and allow yourself to also seek traits you don't find attractive or are non plus about. That way you can regulate your emotional attachment to real traits instead of made up idealised ones.
00 Reply
302 opinions shared on Dating topic. When you develop feelings for someone, even without a formal relationship, you start to imagine a future with them, a bright and beautiful one. And when nothint happens, it leaves you with a sense of emotional confusion and "what ifs." It’s basically a lack of closure.
20 Reply
22.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because you have created a version of them in your mind that doesn't even exist.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- u1 mo
You fell in love with a fantasy you created. You need to learn from this experience.
00 Reply Because the road not taken is full of possibilities and fantasy of a better life
Whilst the person you actually dated is set in stone there’s no changing how it went
So I get the feeling00 Reply1.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because you are stuck wondering about the "what ifs". When you've already dated someone you know exactly what went down so there is no wondering about what could have been
10 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Because you were in a mental relationship with them. So when reality hit that it was never going to be it felt like a real break up with him. Because you brain doesn't distinguish between real and fantasy when it comes down to dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. A drug is a drug to your body and it feels the same.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Honestly your age. Getting older sucks... But you won't worry about that when you're a little older and wiser
00 Reply 10.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Happened to me years ago. Took a long time to get over, and I wasted a lot of time with my obsession at a time when I was surrounded by very attractive, quality girls.
00 Reply13.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. How can anyone be that attached to anyone you never dated? This makes no sense.
10 Reply- 1 mo
Lot pf theories. None are 100% true to you. Just keep focus on things that move life forward.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I've never had trouble moving on from someone I have dated so I cannot relate.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Because you were friends and you bonded with that person and depending on how deep that bond was that you two shared determines if it will be easy to move on or very hard to move on
00 Reply - 1 mo
Because fantasy is always better than reality.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
Probably because your feelings for them are so intense
00 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because you don't realy know what could have been and you don't know how they felt about you.
00 Reply2.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. I been struggling with this same exact problem for years
10 Reply- 1 mo
Because you’re imagining the person that could’ve been instead of what is actually there.
00 Reply - 1 mo
For me infatuation fades
00 Reply - 1 mo
Maybe because you have a strong crush on them
00 Reply - 1 mo
Because Chad put a spell on you.
00 Reply 13.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. It's not.
This concept is fkn dumb00 ReplyBecause you expected too much
00 Reply- 1 mo
You're mentally ill.
01 Reply- 1 mo
Are you sure there is no other explanation 😂?
- 1 mo
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