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Like you only date people who had a perfect past?
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Do I judge people's past? Yes. Because people don't really change at thier core.
Look at Chrissy Teigen. She thought she could be a monster in her younger years and then just walk away from it like nothing happened. But all those skeletons came back and bit her in the ass one day.
But just because I judge a person's past does not mean I will not give them a chance to defend thier past. They just have to understand this is not my first rodeo.
As far as rejecting someone cruelly, what would I possibly have to gain by doing that?
Depends if they truly have control over it or not, because someone can lack control of something but it doesn't make it uncontrollable
Yes, I absolutely judge the past choices that people have made. And no, I would not date someone who has made significantly more bad past choices than I have. And that's why I married an amazing man and have an amazing life. Choices have consequences
That makes no sense. You wouldn't be able to date a single soul 🤨
I had a shallowed tinder match.
No, but it depends on what it is, how they acted on it and how they've reflected on it now.
If she was a drug addict. She can go date a million other former or current drug addicts. I'm not dealing with relapses. I've seen it happen too many times.
Are u lookin for someone who doesn't judge you because of your not perfect past?
I'm seeking people's opinions on it, thank you