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Please do not ever buy me flowers.
Give me the decapitated plant
Giving flowers to your partner, to me, is no different than you giving them any other sorta romantic gift, like chocolates, a fluffy Teddy bear, a bottle of Rosé etc. and just like thise gifts, your partner could like/dislike them.
Just check in with your partner and see what they like, and just normalize giving them that (as long as it isn't something stupidly outlandish or expensive, like a diamond set, new cars or designer purses, things like that). Cos a lot of girls who I know of, personally, don't like being gifted flowers as they say they may look nice for the moment, but will wilt up soon enough and shed leaves and petals, and cause a mess.
Do you own stock in FTD?
Nah I'll take potted plants like aloe though
I think we should just normalize getting gifts that the specific person will appreciate, whatever that might be. And if that happens to be flowers for a guy, then sure. But personally, I know there's other things my husband would appreciate more than some flowers.
Just as long as it won't embarrass them. I think that's the question ⁉️.
And I would like to add if you give someone a bouquet of flowers, please be sure they come in a vase with some water.
So people buy flowers and give them to someone who doesn't own a vase.
The very best impression is to have the florist deliver the flowers 🙂
So i dont mind getting flowers lets just not forget we are men supposed to be courting women not the other way around. I feel this generation wants do things so differently that they end up doing things backwards and then when stuff dont work they wonder why they failed.
well its because you tried to fix something that wasn't broken. So i don’t mind getting flowers i just worry dudes will start getting courted like females. If a women gives me flowers i will be very happy because it shows she’s not just thinking of herself, but im ganna definitely do something special. She not ganna out give me lol
I think we should normalize speaking about preferences... it's not like every man wants to get flowers... as not every woman wants it too...
so, let's start to ask people what they like and dislike... and let's start to be open about our preferences... so no one has to assume anything...
@Staximus because they have their own preferences? lmao...
I definitely prefer people who are true to themselves and aren't scared to say I like / I don't like
@Staximus if she doesn't, she will tell you what she likes instead... then it's your choice... if you like her more or her preferences :D
I'm fine without
and so are women...
we should reserve flowers only for those people who truly love them and appreciate them, lol
@Apple1996 💐🌹🌻🌼🪻
lets normalize behavior in relationships that make their partner feel special no matter their gender is
bc too many people like me suck at showing that sometimes and we gotta work on it
Yees i would share a flower with a guy and if i know he likes it i would buy him some since why not we all like different things re-state//background_color_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0), font_color_rgb (77, 77, 77), justifyLeft
Knocking on doors, meeting her parents, giving flowers, opening doors, picking her up
Then again I’m looking for a traditional man so this only goes for them. The other men can leave me alone lol
flowers are a complete waste of money. Why buy something that will be dead in a week? the markup is crazy stupid. Go out to dinner.
No, thanks.
It's a sweet idea, but I don't want a bunch of flowers to deal with at home. :)
He has to give first. That’s how traditional dating is. If I have to message him first, he’s just too feminine for me to call him even a man. A real man woos me, he doesn’t want me to chase him. He should be making those power moves, not me.
It’s already normal. We celebrate your accomplishments as well.
If you’re saying, normalize getting men gifts. I think we are starting to do that, but it was always taboo because of women weight to actually being in her full relationship with the man or at least gone three or four dates where they think it’s something serious. we think about y’all in the ways that you don’t think such as getting you Something you need or use that you like versus materialistic stuff
Nah, flowers are not as good as a plant that will bring fruit. That's something much more intimate though. Flowers I have always regarded as cheap and lazy. They last a few days then die. A card with a note with hand written or drawings are some of the best little things I have been given on no special occasions just wee reminders of her affection.
Nah, but I'll take a flower you can smoke or cuts of meat. Men don't literally want flowers, but some appreciation would be nice. Normalize treating people in general with more kindness.
No. It’s bad enough as it is that women are saying men don’t do this or that, that men are getting lazier, men aren’t men these days. I wonder why. Feminizing men maybe. Then people, especially women wonder why men are acting like princesses these days.
💐💐💐💐 for all the men on GaG here's some virtual flowers 💐 💐💐💐
@Apple1996 thank you, that's very sweet.
I think most men would prefer a bj over flowers
Sure! But I’m not sure most guys want flowers. I’d be happy to give my boyfriend flowers if I thought he wanted them. Not sure if he’d know how to take care of them though.
Flowers are useless, they should normalize giving expensive and useful gifts.
Sure if they’re into botany.
I don’t see why we need to “normalize” anything at all in life.
It’s much better for people to just be authentic and forget norms in favor of originality
Dear women; if you want to give flowers to men, please do it in places where flowers can be disposed of without trouble
Because I guarentee you, a lot of men will want to toss it away mere seconds after you hand it over
I'm the most masculine man i know. Never really had a mother. Couldn't care less what a bitch thinks. I have a green thumb and my office and home if full of plants. My dad told me my mother was a witch and a gardener. Its in my blood. A flower is the only gift I'd want from a significant other. Anything else I'd provide for myself
what's so special about flowers
they're easy to snap just like necks
nah, women get annoyed just by a guy approaching them or giving her his #, she's not going to get flowers for a guy by taking time out of her schedule to buy $30 for a dozen roses for a guy she likes, not gonna happen.
Flowers makes everyone’s day brighter.
Flowers to kids, flowers to women, flowers to men! You get a flower, you get a flower, everybody’s happier with a flower lol
Yes. I would appreciate flowers as much as the next gift, and some men really like flowers. Also, like the situation in the photo, it certainly beats not getting anything. Lol
If he likes flowers, sure, I would get him some. lol
I don’t know a man I have come across that wants flowers from a woman, though. That is new to me. lol
We should put a full stop on gender roles and expectations, we should just be and let be also appreciate people the way they need to be appreciated.
flowers for everyone.!!
Let’s normalize them sending money for a coffee instead of asking for a picture
Kinda just sounds like a lazy way for dudes to say, “don’t say I didn’t get you anything”. Cheap as heck. As an artist I do appreciate plants and nature, but this so generic and requires zero thought or effort it hurts my head.
I always saw it as if you want to give a guy flowers, give him flowers. So as long as you know he likes them.
Sure in the form of buying land that might have a flower on it. Otherwise the only surefire way to normalize young men getting flowers is by dying in a new war.
Hey, if my husband wants flowers, I’d definitely buy him flowers. 💐 just think they’re a waste of money since they die.
I've received flowers as long back as I can remember BUT , never from a Thai , they won't do it..
It's always nice to give and get flowers! Why wait till you're dead!
When was it not normal?
I still get flowers from ex's and friends on occasions.
It's long overdue.
as a man I'd much rather get a nice Colone or a dinner. Just not a fan of flowers.
Why would you want flowers? Most pointless waste of money ever.
Better one is instead of flowers, get us a potted flowering shrubbery. Full of life, good smells, and can enjoy the fruit together
It's always normal to offer a man a flower, not only in 2025
Hell no. Flowers are useless. I would rather get just about anything else than flowers.
Wait? Women don't give flowers to other guys?
Flowers are pretty like women. Only women should receive Flowers
I find no use in flowers. I could use a bourbon instead. or a beej
I don't understand the question. For me, it's normal to think about giving flowers to a boy. I mean, if he likes them, why not?
What kind of man would want flowers?
I have no desire for flowers.
Nope. It should be Beer.
Why not?
Sure... but only when she fucks up.
Lmfaooooo no !! 🤣
It’s a nice gesture
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