2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Apparently so , according to statistics divorces occur more than marriages these days , I blame social media for being a big part of that reason, so many people do sneaky things on social media , mainly cheating and affairs , flirting or comparing your life to other peoples ’ lives Thinking grass is greener on the other side. Making it harder for people to accept what they have right in front of them. Making it harder for people to resist temptations. Basically more options to choose from, I am not saying everyone is this way , but it seems a mass majority of people are this way , everywhere I turn , someone is breaking up or divorcing or cheating. People have become more selfish and only really care about themselves.
20 Reply
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- 24 d
I believe so, it's all about sex these days, the majority doesn't want a long lasting relationship and a family!
01 Reply- 24 d
Thanks for the mho 🙂
What Girls & Guys Said
- 25 d
Seems like it. I think the reality is people are more focused on their career than marriage until they are much older. Like in their mid to late 30s, especially in this economy. So it would appear that men and women are not getting married as much but it's probably only because they are waiting much later now.
01 Reply- 24 d
Not even waiting for anything, they just want sex and casual relationships, they prefer the simple animal life!
16.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Sure seems like it, yes
00 Reply373 opinions shared on Dating topic. Used to be a man leaves home at 18. By 25 he’s already established and making good money so he gets married and has kids
With how the economy is today people don’t move out at 18 anymore and it takes longer to make the living necessary to build a family
So people are still getting married they’re simply doing it later in life
I don’t have the link to any studies but someone showed one to me where we can see that the peak marriage age has shifted from 20’s to 30’s20 Reply- 24 d
Yes, because more and more people are gay, players, or in long-term long-distance relationships (like what?) Others are more into screwing all the members of their opposite sex and nothing long-term. Others don't want to because of the divorce rate so want a no- strings relationship that they can get out of without losing their shirts. That's just the way our society has gone ever since people stopped believing in God. You can only expect things will get worse, not better, just like the rest of the world.
00 Reply - 25 d
Fewer are getting married. The primary reason that I've heard of is that marriage does not guarantee commitment in both directions anymore, i. e. a woman can leave and will usually be granted half of everything plus child support, and often without the father getting sufficient access to his children. In essence, the government is the woman's husband and the husband is the governments' slave. The institution was corrupted a long time ago, and so many horror stories have made it to the ears of unmarried men that they're avoiding it now.
00 Reply - 24 d
It's a big risk these days, for both. There's all kinds of legal stuff involved. Plus sex is seen as more important than love. Love is dead. There's so much hate between us these days. There's more more people coming out as gay, etc so there's not as many people on the playing field. The so called incels are not bad guys it's just they've woken up and realized relationships are pointless. There are bad men and bad women. Both lie, cheat and steal. Men are seen as evil rapists now while women are all victims. Love is dead.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)25 d
Looks like you're from Indiana, so I'll assume you're asking about the US.
Yes, there are fewer men and women getting married, by a long shot. Marriage rates are at an all-time low in the US.
The reasons for that are not as simple as people only being interested in sex, or people cheating more. People don't cheat any more now than they used to. And it's not that people are more interested in sex than they used to be. Sex has always been important, but today sex is much more easily available without marriage, and marriage is much less appealing to men now than it used to be.
00 Reply Cheating is normal for some people. And marriage, a lot of people especially men don’t want to get married. It’s getting the government involved is why most men refuse to get married. It’s cause once married; at any time for any reason, the wife can ask for divorce and take half or more of the man’s money. That’s why a lot of men won’t get married; they’re afraid of losing everything they build and earned
00 Reply- 24 d
Why get married to a girl that's been passed around like a joint? Most women are sluts in their 20s and when they get old and undesirable in their 30s, then they get interested in marrying some sucker. He doesn't know that she thinks about all the guys before him, and he doesn't realize there's a 70 percent chance she'll divorce and turn his kids against him.
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)25 d
I don't know about elsewhere but here in the US marriages have been declining for decades. The blip at the end of this tend live was due to covid, and the slight jump at the little jump at the very end were people who waited until after covid to get married. Marriage is dying, and that's a bad thing to the US.
00 Reply - 24 d
I suspect you are correct. From my perspective it is partly because sex is relatively easy to get if that is one's goal, partly because getting the benefits without the obligations (living together) is pretty easy, and because making the legal commitment does not mean that the people will actually be faithful. Why risk half of everything I've worked for when divorce is so common?
00 Reply - 24 d
you don't need a marriage to have a great relationship... :D
25 Reply- 24 d
But a great relationship leads to marriage!
- 24 d
@TonyMetal___86 no, it leads to great relationship :D
- 24 d
Maybe in your book, not mine 😏
- 24 d
@TonyMetal___86 enjoy
- 24 d
You too enjoy, by the way i still remember you whole story in the wooden cabin while it's snowing when you were little, i surely have ENJOYED reading it ☻
I do think this is a new and different generation. Sex is more open and social media has removed a lot of traditional one-on-one interaction and normal dating. Probably means fewer people are getting married.
00 Reply884 opinions shared on Dating topic. The statistics are clear that you are right. When you make sex cheap, you make relationships cheap. And when relationships are cheap they will be treated like they aren't important by a lot of people, and they will be traded like candy by many others
00 Reply- 24 d
I don’t know about the cheating part, but per statistics, yes less people are getting married. Since the lockdowns, I am not even sure people are engaging much in casual sex anymore either.
10 Reply - 25 d
just see it this way
being single is preventing future divorce, break ups
So Yeah,
is it really a bad thing?10 Reply 13.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Everyone I know is married or is planning marriages. I went to six weddings last year and have another one coming up next month.
15 Reply- 25 d
Will you come to my wedding? - 25 d
Dubai - 25 d
I know, sorry
Do you like Sir Elton John? ↗
I was engaged to a hoe. Caught feelings was hard to leave. If your in an iffy relationship I recommend being sober to maximize brain power.
10 Reply323 opinions shared on Dating topic. Most people I know are still getting married, I guess the need for it has just changed.
00 Reply- 25 d
Yeah, wedding bands end up in the furnace these days
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)23 d
Indeed, I guess it's cause of the modern times, marriage is no longer trendy.
00 Reply 13.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes that is true
No... people now, all ages, are having less sex than ever before00 Reply- 25 d
Cheating is a 10x worst thing to do to say I don't love you anymore and never really did.
11 Reply- 21 d
You can't do it love and cheat at the same time.
- 25 d
In America there are less than zero reasons for a man to get married.
10 Reply - 25 d
yeah cuz people realise how pointless it actually is
10 Reply Yes a major part of it because of wh***es
00 Reply5.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes.
00 ReplyI think it’s likely.
00 Reply
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