7.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. In freshman year of college I had a friend that was a commuter that lived nearby. He and his girlfriend knew somebody that they thought I would like. So on Saturday night they come to my dorm and we drive to a bar. This girl was already there. She was nice looking and seemed okay at first. I told her I was in Air Force ROTC and planned on being a pilot. She was sort of a hippie and thought I wanted to burn babies. It was obvious we were not getting along.
My friend thought it would be funny if they left me there with her. So he and his girlfriend leave. It took us a little while to figure out what happened. She tells me thsat she was leaving. I asked her if she would give me ride back to my dorm. It would have been a 5 or 6 mile walk in the freezing cold and I did not have my winter coat on.
She refused so as she was leaving I jumped on the hood of her car. She tried to shake me off but I had a good grip on the hood. She took a couple of passes in the parking lot before she gave up and let me in the car.
We had a quiet ride back to my dorm. I thanked her when I got out but there was no second date.
16 Reply- 22 d
You considered that a bad first date? That seemed like an amazing time! It had all the drama and comedy of an Hallmark movie 😂😂
- 22 d
@Beckybooboo looking back it was really funny. It would be awesome to have my life made into a hallmark movie
Most Helpful Opinions
- 20 d
I met a lady at a wine event, who was with a friend. We hit it off and a couple of weeks later, met up for a date. She showed up with a long face and grumpy. She didn't have all that much to say. Her cell phone rang and she answered it and then her friend who was with her when I originally met her, shows up. I'm glad she did because she was friendlier and more pleasant than the lady who was supposed to be my date. Anyway, I emailed her the next day just to be friendly and I asked if she wasn't feeling well or whatever. She sent me an email back that had no capital letters of punctuation and she didn't really say anything. Weird.
00 Reply
- 23 d
A guy that talked about how wonderful he is all night. I definitely don't mind someone telling me about their accomplishments and them being proud of their achievements but he just didn't stop! Whenever I would say something about what I've done, he already did it three times and better. Runner up was a guy that got completely wasted, to the point I had to drive him home, in his car, then call a friend to pick me up. I do have to say, he was nice and we were having a great time, so I was really disappointed he got so drunk lol
30 Reply
- 23 d
Met a broke man from online Travel group (we both foreigners) who always flexing about how many countries he visited and blaa blaa blaa. But when we met up, he was looking for a restaurant on Google and put filter the most cheap restaurant in the area. Even though I already told him i have money i can pay my own meal he even still ordered the cheapest menu in that cheap restaurant. Damn…if you broke, just get a job and stop traveling around the world with that those tight budget.
73 Reply- 22 d
you're the one fucking broke dudes. you're only mad at yourself lol
- 22 d
At least i can buy everything i want to eat and don’t need to worry about the price, and stay in the dump hotel like you, worthless guy 😉
- 22 d
Sure... bum fucker
1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Guy was a lot shorter than what he said online and our height difference was very awkward.
32 Reply- 23 d
I feel that
- 22 d
ugh i would kms the sheer humiliation
What Girls & Guys Said
- 22 d
I've told this story many times. Here's the short story...
Met online. PPlan meet fir dinner. She shows up late, grossly obese, nothing like her privileged picture, says "My pussy is so wet." I leave.
42 Reply- 22 d
Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂 Can relate. She looked completely different, twice the the weight, different hair color, she suddenly had glasses,
Only difference to you @AviatorTom was she brought her two friends with her, wanted me to lay dinner for her two friend as wenn and then just asked me:
"Do you want so do some shagging?"
I just left...
- 22 d
But to be fair, I don't know about your experience Tom, but i was more turned off by her being a completely different person than her picture and bringing two people to the date with her. If she would have looked like she said and left her friends at home, I would have not rejected her...
383 opinions shared on Dating topic. I had a date with a girl who I met at a music festival but we didn't get the chance to really have a conversation so we decided to meet a couple of days later at my house.
The first question she asked me was...
"What is your opinion about people that don't like to wear clothes and rather walk around naked whenever it's possible?" ( I think they are called naturists in English but I'm not sure)
I answered...
"Everyone should live their life the way they want to live it, I don't judge them for it"
Next thing she asked me was if it was alright for me if she took off her clothes because she preferred to be naked
I was overwhelmed with that question and I preferred her not to do that but before I got time to answer her question she was already undressing herself completely. Only her underwear was not taken off
I still find it incredibly weird that she decided to take all her clothes off while she really didn't even know me yet. I felt very uncomfortable and it really turned me off big-time00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)22 d
A few different ones.
- Woman once told me straight to my face I was unattractive. She then ditched me saying she had to “use the bathroom”
- Woman invited me to a restaurant of her choice and brings up feminism and “woman’s rights” while still expecting me to pay for dinner.
Both of these women had two things in common:
1) they were both in their early 30s
2) they both brought up politics first (their both leftist of course) and they did it early.
Now you can call me a naive fool for not bailing right away when this happened. I used to be more optimistic and tried to find the hood in people. But if a woman brings up politics right away it’s an automatic dealbreaker for me. Even if she brings up politics I agree with it’s still a red flag.
30 Reply 10.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. I think I was someone's worst first date once. I was working on the east coast for a couple months and was tired of being alone in a hotel every night so I started doing online dating. I arranged to meet this girl for appetizers and drinks at 7; normally I worked til 5 so I figured that would leave me time to go back to the hotel and get cleaned up. Well that day we had a major technical issue at work - the ONLY day that happened in the 2+ months I was there - so I had to work until it was resolved. I called her and told her I would be late and got there about 20 minutes later than originally planned and a bit disheveled as I had to go straight from work. We had some snacks and a couple drinks and then my gut betrayed me and I had to go to the bathroom with violent diarrhea. I was in there about 20 minutes and when I came out she had paid the tab for both of us and left.
20 Reply11.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. None were terrible. I did a lot of online dating and almost everyone was perfectly nice. One woman had unfortunately posted a very old picture, maybe 15 years and 100 pounds ago. I should have canceled when I met her but that was the first time that happened and I wasn't prepared. Being overweight is acceptable, being grossly deceptive is not.
10 Reply- 23 d
Honestly never had a bad first date, albeit not had many.
So worst was one where we were getting on well until she me ntioned she wouldn't want another child. I knew she has 2 young kids, but I would have wanted my own child. Nothing wrong with her stance, but was a dealbreaker. Shame as could have some fun with her.20 Reply - 23 d
I got stood up (still better than the woman's pop song from the late "90s" lol) lol 😂😆 I know the lyric lol I shouldn't like dark humour.
Not about my circumstances, I just found it hilarious I was stood up. Hooray me 😊🥳 my joyful sanity20 Reply I’ve only dated one guy my entire life. So I’ve never really had many first dates with different boys.
but my first date was at a musuem. Before that we ate subway. And I accidently dropped my drink on the table. And no goodnight kiss. That’s all I remember.
20 Reply- 23 d
Dude took me out to dinner at questionable pizza joint in Brooklyn. He REEKED of cigarette smoke. It was overpowering the smell of the restaurant 🤢🤮
723 Reply- 23 d
I met a girl like that once. Really smart and cute, but damn... a chain smoker in the making.
- 23 d
I couldn't. Like, I'm totally down for a pizza date. I'm a New Yorker, I love pizza. But this dude smelled so strongly of cigarette smoke. I couldn't tell if he smoked a pack immediately before meeting up with me, or if he hadn't showered at all and had smoked all day.
- 23 d
This is how you know someone smokes in his/her apartment. The cold smoke smell moves into everything, the clothes, the walls, the furniture. I worked in an office full of smokers once, it was pretty disgusting, especially in winter with the windows closed.
- 23 d
What was "questionable" about the pizza restaurant?
- 23 d
Seemed like most of their pizza was pre-made and frozen, not made fresh. Most shops in the city have visible ovens so you can see everything being prepared and baked; this one didn't. I could swear that most of their pizza was Red Barron from the freezer isle
- 23 d
That's sad.
And there's so much good pizza out there.
What did you wear on the date? Did you smell like smoke afterward? - 23 d
Just a short black dress. And I did, annoyingly. I almost threw the dress out. l because of it. Had to throw it through a really good wash to get the smell out.
- 23 d
How short was the dress?
Was there cleavage? Did your boobs smell like smoke afterwards?
I'm guessing he didn't get touching privileges. - 23 d
Let's settle down a bit. Supposed to be a knee length dress, but since I'm taller, went up to my thigh. And I just smelled of smoke almost entirely.
- 23 d
How long ago was this?
- 23 d
Like 6 years ago
- 23 d
So when you were like 22? Right out of college?
Were you an F-cup back then? - 23 d
22, yes. Still in college. And yes
- 23 d
And he didn't get you out of that dress, right?
Once you saw the pizza restaurant, and smelled the cigarette odor, you knew he was getting nothing. - 23 d
If I couldn't bare the smell of him, what makes you think he'd get anywhere past my outfit?
- 23 d
I didn't. But I thought maybe you had a weak moment or something.
It must be hell finding clothes that can accommodate a body like yours. - 23 d
Do you have to get everything altered? Or go to special stores?
- 22 d
my kind of man
- 22 d
- 22 d
- 21 d
meeting a hot chick at the bar through a friends wife, we hit it off , ended up going home with her only to meet her husband ( she was not wearing a ring)... I was a big guy and he wasn't so I wasn't beat up or even threatened but it really ruined the mood. Yes I left and never looked back. Never did find out why this happened, never saw friends wife again, but wondered how many married women are out there trolling the bars, competing with the single ladies for hook ups?
00 Reply - 22 d
When the conversation was my ex wife this , ex wife that he kept on and so I said it was getting late and left.
52 Reply- 22 d
Talking about exes is a huge red flag
- 20 d
So how was his ex wife doing? 😉😆 - you must've heard her whole life story, through him. Who was she cheering for in the NFL even 🤗🙃
It was a blind date that a friend set up. She was gorgeous, but all she could talk about was how her ex-bf had treated her. It was non-stop. I felt sorry for her, but it was an awful date.
30 Reply- 19 d
I'd ask her a question like, "What is your favorite band?" and then she'd answer and ask me the same question. After I'd answer she'd say something like "Oh yeah that's what I meant to say."
The whole date went like that. Her always changing her response to match mine. Not very attractive.
00 Reply - 22 d
When I was 17 I went to see a dentist at 9 o'clock and instead of arriving on time he arrived 2 hours later he had fallen asleep and looked awful I felt nauseous
30 Reply 2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Wasn't the date itself, it was at one of her friends parties after the date.
She basically got black out drunk, and started griding on every guy there!
10 Reply- 19 d
The date itself was fine. Sweet Turkish guy, it was really romantic. It was the fact that my dad was following me around in his pickup truck that ruined it for me... And he took pictures 😭
00 Reply - 22 d
Date with a woman who misrepresented her age. I don't like women older than I. Afterwards. She invited me to her place. I made a lame excuse and got out of there.
20 Reply - 22 d
She showed up weighing 100 pounds more than expected, with a missing front tooth. She also brought along her 2 year old son, who was half black.
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)23 d
Blind date. Because I was young and obviously inexperienced I didn't know enough to know what a bad date it was.
30 Reply - 19 d
Found out she’d only been back from her honeymoon 2 weeks. Not sure where to go from there.
00 Reply 5.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. So she was trying to physically injure you and after she gave up you decided it might be fun to date her. Wow! I think not.
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31 Reply- 23 d
I'm just here to like and not subscribe - I generally am going like 👍🏻
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