Why do you love the single life?

I had a lot of fun. And to be honest, I’ll probably DO IT, in a relationship, but the whole dynamic of having to do things differently because of what someone else wants or needs really isn’t something I’m keen on. Like that’s the biggest sacrifice for me in a relationship: answering to another person, having to consider someone else when I do stuff, foregoing things I want to do because of an outside influence. I’m a guy who’s VERY committed to doing whatever I want, pretty much at all times (of course within reason). I have two WAY older half brothers I didn’t grow up with, so I’m for all intents and purposes an only child, and I’ve got that mindset, haha. This is all for me, no one else matters, I’m the main event…this is why we’re all here🤣
Like if my buddy invites me to go to a ballgame, and my lady is like “No, you can’t go, we have to go to my aunt’s birthday party”….. first-world problem to the Nth degree, but OH MY FUCKING GOD, I HATE THAT SO MUCH. I barely even know your aunt, fuck outta here, lmao. That’s what I say in my mind…In reality I’m just like, *sigh* “Ok, boo”, lmao. The gentleman in me won’t allow me to be a dick about it, but in my mind, I’m cussin’ and spittin’ and all that🤣 I play the role to a tee, but I secretly hate it.
[Inserting this in as a late thought so excuse the clumsy segue to the following paragraph, it’s no longer in order, but…. a big thing for me is family. I HATE that I have to adopt and be adopted into a whole new family when it gets serious. I’m here for the lady…. not her parents, not her siblings, not her aunts and uncles, not her cousins. I don’t really care to know these people. Not automatically, anyway. I’m very selective about who I let into my circle, and I like to keep it small. I don’t come from a big family, I’m not used to large family gatherings, that’s all my nightmare. Having to be “on” for a second family I have no genuine connection to…. not for me, lmao. This better be for a major holiday🤣]
That’s really the big upside to being single for me. In my younger days when I was at college and surrounded by beautiful women, that had a lot of appeal to me too. And not to not-so-humble-brag…. I wasn’t quite on that Derek Jeter level, but in the looks department, I’m VERY proud of my dating record. The older I get, the more I appreciate it and I tell myself “You were a BAD motherfucker in your day.”😝
Now I’m back in regular life, not in a curated environment of young hot-by-accident people, and I’m not young anymore myself so the young hot girls are too young for me. It’s like everyone’s 20 or 60 around here. Anyone in my age range is usually taken because they’re married-and-not-yet-divorced lmao.
During Covid I made an anonymous Tinder account because a bunch of my single buddies were posting goofy profiles they’d come across where they lived and I wanted to play too. My buddy in Southern New Hampshire…. OOF👹 Tough crop to work with. Dudes from there probably even worse, YIKES😅 I was more shocked by what he swiped right on, though, lmao.
And I don’t know if the crowd was light just because I think a lot of folks aren’t trying to do rando hookups in a pandemic…. but it was also not what I’d be looking for, with the utmost respect.
So I think I’d be a little hard up if I were single today, where I am. I’m actually on a “hall pass” indefinitely due to my girlfriend being out of commission sexually for like ten years due to illness. I have the green light, technically, but like…. for what? And in my specific case, it wouldn’t be with any intention of dating, so personality isn’t a consideration like it otherwise would be. The only place I see hot women my age is at the hockey shop where I get my skates sharpened, and it’s right near one of the wealthiest towns in the state, so these are trophy wives of rich men, driving around Range Rovers and such. Not available.
And I always prided myself on trying to get the hottest chick at the bar or party I was at, and I’ll eat the punch for being shallow when I was younger. A billion strikeouts, lmao, but I still got a hold of quite a few and hit it into the cheap seats😎
So I think my standards physically are just forever altered. I could never just start hitting singles, to stay with the baseball analogy. I’m about that highlight reel moonshot, Shohei Ohtani, 500 feet and out of the stadium, lmao. But I’m past my own prime in reality, I’m not just going to walk back in after almost two decades out of the game and be able to match my old stats, or even be let on the field. I’d rather the game remember me when I was in my glory days😝
Anyway, went off on a tangent because that’s what I do, but yeah….”freedom”, in a word, is my favorite part. Living how I want to live, on my timetable and my timetable alone.
I’m kind of like a cat…. I can be very affectionate and friendly, but it’s when I, and ONLY I, decide to be, and the rest of the time I can be pretty aloof. I’m napping under a couch, I’ll come check in with you for like 20 minutes at some point each day. Keep your expectations low, haha. I may surprise you, I can definitely get going when I want to…but again, that totally depends on what I want to do.
So much of this probably makes me sound terrible, lmfao, but I swear I’m a good dude, I’m just saying the inner thoughts I don’t usually act on😅
Here’s the best way to put it…there’s nothing in life that I want to do FULL-TIME. That’s just not how I’m wired. I might be low key autistic or something, who knows🤣🤣🤣 So being in a relationship is taxing on my soul…but ultimately, so is loneliness. So I make some sacrifices, but I’m definitely stewing in silent resentment when I forfeit freedom, haha. “Single” is a scary prospect to me lately, seeing some other single friends struggling out there as 45 year old men, so we all have to sell out at some point, or die alone, lmfao
I wouldn’t say I love it but I am trying to play my cards right the next time around , I am not rushing into a relationship with anyone , I am taking my time to really get to know someone before I even consider a relationship again. I had my fair share of relationships with females’ and unfortunately they all turned to shit once they got bored or thought they were missing out on something and then ending up cheating on me with someone else. So my trust for females’ is t the greatest these days , cuz sadly a lot of them are selfish liars and back stabbers. So I prefer FWB’s with some strings attached when I meet a girl that I am attracted to and slowly take it from there without rushing to be boyfriend and girlfriend, FWB’s with some strings attached kind of eliminates the feelings of being tied down to one person , it gives to both of us freedom to date other people if we choose to , it only works if her and I are honest with each other. The purpose of it is for her and I to eventually be together if things stay great between us and the infant period runs its course. It seems to be working for the better , especially these days
I don’t.
I prefer a partner or even married.
yet for the sake of the question, the perks of being single include
not having to shave wax or laser regularly as nobody will be touching you. Unless you’re a single white that likes to eff around then this one doesn’t apply to you.
Not having to buy an extra gift for someone’s birthday, valentines, Christmas etc.
Not having to plan special dates, or certain events that require special attention and money
Not having to cook something that someone else wants
not having to shower right before bed alllll the time, sometimes you don’t actually need the shower, but having a partner kind of makes it a mandatory thing because ewww lol
not having to buy extra presents for the other person’s family on their birthdays or having to attend get togethers where you have to get ready and do all the proper things (which is not a bad thing per say, but just an extra thing to do that otherwise you could just be relaxing doing your own thing)
having said all that, I would still prefer to have a partner to do alllll those things with even when sometimes I would prefer to relax, I prefer to wish it while having to do all that stufff lol cause it’s just nicer at the end of the day.
Autocorrect changed the word WHORE to “white” how annoying.
I don't. I really like sleeping next to someone.. it just feels comforting to me. So being alone is kind of shit. When me and my ex broke up it took me a year just to be able to sleep through the night sound and fall asleep easily but I had to buy body pillows and other pillows to feel comfortable.
The good things about being single I don't have to cook, clean or do someone else's laundry when I don't feel like it.
I do and I don't I mean I do because I can do whatever I want whenever I want how I want and with whom ever I want . And to really be honest it's less responsibilities too because when you are with somebody I feel that I am responsible for their well-being and making sure they have a happy life and they're safe
No one screaming and fighting with me everyday, no kids, I can do whatever I want. I can spend an entire weekend on my ass watching TV and/or sleeping with no interruptions. I can come home to peace and quiet and decompress from the day and order pizza and eat it in bed while watching ancient aliens. No In laws making my life a living hell because they feel I'm not good enough for them. More money for things I want. The positives are almost endless. F relationships and having kids. Live for yourself. If you want sex there's an app for that and the bunny ranch.
I can do what I want, when I want.
I can eat what I want, when I want
I can spend money on whatever I want, when I want
I don't have some woman nagging and bitching at me over every little thing
I was with my ex-wife 25 years. I did my time. I am free and staying that way.
The single life is like when you arrive at a restaurant and they hand you the menu.
You’re overwhelmed and happy with all the options you have
You want to make the right choice because once you do there is no changing the food you get
and if you wait too long you’ll get very hungry
Just a moment ago I thought I heard a group of people arguing and fighting with each other. I looked out the window and it was a man walking away being followed by an argumentative woman. Sure, not all couples do this but it did make me appreciate the silence and peace I have in my single life...
There's an old saying: "You don't know what you've got until you've got it no more."
I didn't love the single life because I was not aware of the hell that married life or relationship life can be.
Sure, in a couple, you can have sex but, as good as sex is, nothing is as good as this:
... and you only get that in the single life.
The freedom! To come and go as I please without explaining myself. To not have responsibility for another adult human. To not answer to anyone. To not be bound by another's timelines. To be able to do the things I like with the people I like when I like. I grew tired of being the support mechanism for everyone around me.
I can go to sleep at night not worrying what they’re doing behind my back. I don’t have to put up with lies. I don’t have to constantly groom myself perfectly to look good for the other person. Less stress big one.
So basically, you're lazy, and proud of it
@GAGsucksballs89170 so basically you’re just desperate
Sounds like you are
@GAGsucksballs89170 ok 🤷🏽♀️
It's nice to not have people making their problems your problems. And it's nice to be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want.
That said... I guess I would probably prefer to be in a relationship more than single.
Nope. I love my boyfriend and wouldn't want to be without him.
I can get along just fine single, but I wouldn't trade him in for single life.
I don't.
I'm in a relationship now, and I prefer that to being single.
It was fun to be single but I sort of forget all the lonely times I had. I could go anyplace I wanted to go and did not have to worry about anybody else.
I like the feeling of being the sole owner of my time :D
but for the right man, I can rethink my stance :D
I love the freedom of having my me time just for me. I don’t have to feel obligated to spend it with someone else.
I have to. 😆
Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy. And when you look at all the people in relationships who are unhappy. Who have nothing but drama. It's not that difficult to convince yourself that you're happy single.
available for anyone
instead of being stuck with somebody incompatible or toxic
You don't have to consider anyone else in your plans.
cause i don't have to listen to what anyone else whants. if i wanna do it, i can just do it.
Being single is overrated.
Because good men are rare gems and being a feminine woman I don’t like taking huge risks.
no one tells me what to wear what to eat how to act
No drama, no mind games, no baby daddy drama, no cheating, no lies, no mental illness to deal with, zero loyalty anymore
Because being in a relationship has proven to be much more pain than pleasure.
I can do what I want without having to consider a girlfriend.
I enjoy not having to answer to anyone and not wanting children.
Because I am single now 😊😊
Compulsory 😅🤣😂🤣🤣
Well, there are plenty of reasons.
I’m mentally at peace.
Because free and no responsibility..
More fun ability to spend my money on me.
It's easier and cheap
I'm happily married, so...
Yes. A lot of peace. ☺️
not having to worry ab somebody cheating on u
Because I hate humans
Yes for freedom
No for hard to get cheap sex
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