I'm going through the same thing with a girl. Its drives me nuts! lol but I realize you just have to accept it for what it is. Its a girl that likes flirting with you over text. Try to accept it for just that. Don't text her for a day or two and she if she contacts you. if texts are friendly now she probably will text you. Your initial reaction might be to get overly excited that she texted, but remember she is just a girl that likes to flirt with you over text. Make sure to let her know your offer stands to hangout, but don't go crazy worrying about whether she likes you or not. Accept the fact that she likes you enough to respond. in the mean time find other girls to text.
06 Reply- +1 y
True sometimes if I stop txtn a guy its only because my text have run out or my phones died or something lol
- +1 y
yes, but not texting a girl for a day or two will bother them. I understand your comment. Still though, it's obvious she likes him, and it's not out of boredom either. She might get upset over the fact that he hasn't texted her back like that. And if he likes her, he shouldn't play hard to get.
- +1 y
bottom line is girls are confusing. He is curious to find out if she likes him more. Its all in the actions. He can ask "do you want to hangout?" but watch how she responds. Does she say "yes"? does she say "No"? Does she say "No I can't this weekend, but I'm free next week"? continue to pursue but never get your expectations up.
- Asker+1 y
Ok so I did pull a sort of hangout question on her. She's moving here in a about a week for a new job. I told her I'd get her some wine as a houswarming gift but I implied that it should be served alongside something (dinner) she either was being coy or evasive because she said "haha could happen" it was hard to tell. I told her to get back to me on that and she said she would so now I just wait and see I guess.
- Asker+1 y
Yeah, I don't like it either but with her moving and starting a new job I didn't want to push her because I know moving and starting a new job are very stressful and her schedule at this point is all over the place because of it. I'm not going to call or text her for now and see if she contacts me but I'm not going to sit around waiting for it either.
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You're the third stringer. Better than being the fourth stringer I guess. You're the backup.
00 Reply
You know there's a thing about girl, is we usually don't text right away cause we're afraid we're gonna look too needy or "desperate".
We're like " if I answer his text right now, he'll know I waited for his text for so long, and I didn't have anything else to do beside waiting near my phone. Most of the time those aren't true but we are into the guy and although our heart tells us "go, tell him" our brain tells us " get a grip girl, slow down, remember last time"
Ghe thing is you're wondering if she's playing and she's wondering the same about you, so try to initiate more, or to be less friendly and more flirty.10 Reply
- +1 y
She likes you! :D
That's how I act with this guy that I like! Well except for the ttyl. I usually add more as to why I'm busy, and the fact that she is getting back to you so soon is wonderful!
Of course she's happy to talk to you! I bet if you two hung out more, she'd be positively thrilled! Yes, she likes you.
She might be confusing because she doesn't want to come off too strong or desperate. And if she also texts you back immediately, she was waiting for that text. lol
Do you like her? If so, why don't you guys plan an outing together? ;D00 Reply
- +1 y
I don't think shed even bother txtn you if she didn't like you ha ha she obviously likes year company to I think she likes you and she's not just using you to fill in time she must like using her spare time to text you even if she is bored she wouldn't use you to fill in time if she didn't like you shed find someone eles.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
Listen, if you like her, don't ignore her texts, espeically for days. That will upset her, and bother her. Clearly she is interested in you. No girl likes when a guy texts her or replies back. That's the truth. Also, don't play hard to get, because if she notices that you aren't into her, she will have gotten her hopes up for nothing and probably move on. If you like her, text her first sometimes unless you already do.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
I think she is either very reserved or uninterested in you (as a lover, for now). Even when I don't like that guy but if I think he's great personality, I am still very friendly with him, eg. reply his sms right when I can (I rarely ignore someone's sms though), talk to him... Maybe you can try not to text her some days to see if she takes the first step to say "hi" to you. But don't ignore her.
00 Reply I think she likes you.
I do this. When I like a guy, I'll text back to him pretty fast and keep the conversation going for a long time. I don't usually text first though because I don't want to seem needy or clingy.00 Reply- +1 y
Since she continues the conversation, she's definitely interested. Maybe she doesn't know what to say, or maybe she doesn't want to seem clingy while texting you.
00 Reply - 1 y
Why is this featured? This question is I don't know how old lol.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
How bored do you have to be to indulge in texting?
Answer: Extremely.00 Reply
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