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Videos: Dating

Do you think this song is toxic? I grew up listening to this type of music.
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Do you think the discrimination towards black men in dating is warranted?

Dating stats from across the board shows that black men are seen in a negative light to most women of other races when it comes to dating. While, the vast majority of women look at white males in a positive light. Now,...
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If you have domestic discipline in your relationship/marrige how did it start? I had it in my past relationship and I'm afraid the guy that I most likely will start dating soon is the same so I wanna do my best not to get into it.. and not seeing him is not...
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Would you have dated 29 y/o Nicholas cage?
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Are you into what is considered old school romance?

8 Old School Romance And Dating Trends We Should Totally Bring Back (womennow. co) courtship like sending someone hand written letters sending flowers long car drives stuff like that
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Would you date a girl in her 30's who expects a husband make at least 6 figures?

Also, she's definitely not a 10/10. At most a 8, with full makeup. Just saw a long video of a bunch of girls in their 30's explaining how it's important for their future husband to be making well over 6 figures. Even as...
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Guys, Why do you accept being in the friend zone?

its really simple. She asks you to do anything a boyfriend would do, Tell her "Im sorry friend zone" and leave it at that. See the following video as an example of what im talking about. Guys, it is not your job to do...
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Does Geomaxxing work?
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Why would you want to date a bad guy?

There are tons of good guys who would make a very good husband and lover. So why do girls want bad guys? What sense does that make? They just give you heartaches from what I have seen....
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How do you deal with dating when girls overvalue themselves?

Point being girls tend to think they are the premium prize and deserve only the top 10% of men or only Mr. Perfect. Of course when 100 insincere flatterers bomb them with compliments and asking them to hang out naturally...
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What do you guys think about this man's view of himself?

Baraka mkray was his name
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How many compliments do you get in a week or a month girls?
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Is it weird that I am obsessed with this video I took of my boyfriend?

It's just so spontaneous lol😂 i know no one REALLY cares.. but.. 😂😂😂😂
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In what ways, do you feel the opposite attracts you?

Aside from them being the opposite sex, I still would not find anything appealing about dating someone who is too different from me. I’d find it quite frustrating and annoying tbh. But apparently a lot of people say...
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Single guys, are you interested in the single woman in the pic?

clearly single and available teacher. They are are a great catch... @midnightmoon05 - you should have "open forum" questions for your students... and record it. Sounds like fun!:)
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Why do white men glorify white women when they don't show the same enthusiasm for you?

I have never come across a white woman who called white men "superior" but there are plenty of white men who say they're the standard of beauty. Why is your love not reciprocated?...
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Would you date a girl, whose entire house is filled with miniature figurines? Her entire house is filled with miniature figurines of gundam wing models. Would you date a girl like this?
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Would you date a girl that is 6'5"? The woman name is Kiley Langille and she is 6'5".
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🕴️🤳So do these guys check out?

Question: Are guys who are bloggers/vloggers nicer or more romantic/sensitive in relationships than non-blogger/vlogger guys? Basically- are they ‘Boyfriend Material?’ With good reason? I feel like blogging or...
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