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+1 y

Boyfriend refuses to change his mind about having kids or even compromise?

Well, kids or no kids that's a marriage or no marriage type of deal, you can't compromise having kids. Lemme explain this better, why do people get married? Because marriage is what protects a... Relationships

+1 y

Is my crush leading her on?

From you perspective sounds like he is. She might be an underdog tho compared to you in terms of his feelings towards you two. He might end up liking her more than you eventually, you never know.. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

How do guys feel when getting back together after breakup? If you feel you can't see a future with someone, can that feeling change?

I had a kind of similar experience, I was with my girlfriend for 18 months we broke up because of family issues, she had a boyfriend for six months, then we got back together after 8 month from... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Please dont judege. I lied to my ex I was in a car accident. How do I get away with it?

That's a toughy. I would just come clean about the whole thing, I know that is the last thing you wanna do, but hear me out. Admitting an old lie makes you look really good because it proves... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Are hot chicks turned on by geeky/nerdy guys?

Well, opposites attract in many cases because they even each other out and influence each other, and I suppose it's the case with hot girls and nerdy guys. Plus nerdy guys are likely to have good... Dating

+1 y

Is it possible to fall in love with someone's voice?

Of course the voice communicates words, and words are a consequent of charisma and personality, so you fell in love with his personality not his voice. Dating

+1 y

Is he protective and possessive about me?

He does obviously, but they maybe more platonic than romantic, he cares about you a lot. Relationships

+1 y

How come my younger brother is already taller than me?

Haha, that's the cutest thing I read today. You're already as tall as the average height of women in the world, which is 160 cm of height. Don't worry, you will continue to grow as you're... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How can I stop judging my slutty friend?

Nothing out of the ordinary from your end of this relationship, keep doing what you do as long as she keeps doing what she does. You obviously care for her, that's why her behavior bothers you.... Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you find Candice Swanepoel attractive?

Don't know here, but she seems very sexy. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you find Anna Kendrick attractive?

She's very sweet and pretty, she has that innocent look you know. And she has a wonderful charisma. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What body shape am i?

Your body type is rectangular. You're not skinny, definitely not fat, you don't look athletic either. You have the natural healthy body look. I rate your body 7 in terms of sexual appeal. Other

+1 y

What makes a woman appear more feminine and attractive?

The essence of femininity is class, and being classy requires self-respect and confidence and both are achieved by self-discipline. So I guess the key to femininity is self-discipline. Beauty... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is 58kg for a 17 year old girl a lot?

Well, your body mass index is 21.6, which is great, for females it should range from 18 to 23, less is underweight more is overweight, so as for the stats you're good! But if you feel like lose a... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Can guys be just friends with a pretty/attractive female?

It's possible, but it's gonna need a lot of will-power in the beginning. Then as you get used to her, the friendship can become more natural. It's possible, but it's difficult. Dating

+1 y

Slim thick or skinny?

Doesn't matter, the important thing is she'd be healthy! If she can be athletic it's even hotter, and if she can be flexible then that's just super sexy.. From the pictures you provided the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Guys, Do you find chubby cheeks attractive?

Depends on the lips, they should be full and chubby as well, and of course we are talking about superficial objective attractiveness here. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Thoughts on masculine jaws on girls?

U forgot Olivia wild.. It depends on the rest of the facial features.. For those actresses, it looks wonderful! But it can also look unattractive.. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think femininity is weak?

This concept like any other one is quite definite, you can't say femininity is different for a woman than it is to another, every woman has her share of the the concept that along with other... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why travelling abroad is expensive?

To avoid chaos I guess, imagine if traveling to Hawaii was cheap, would it still be Hawaii? Travel

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