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+1 y

Rantings of a Modern Housewife

You brought this upon yourself. I don't care. Family & Friends

+1 y

Why I Left the Liberal Party

You were never part of the liberal party... You never knew what it's about and you still don't know what it's about. 1. It's not anti white men. It points out that white males are the most... Society & Politics

+1 y

Editor of the Month, and Top 5 myTakes for April!

Congratulations to the winner and the people who were mentioned. G@G Community

+1 y

My Ratings For VS Angels (Part 2)

My rating system is definitely way different than yours... You gave all of them harsh ratings lol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Men Know Best...Obviously

A lot of people on here are losers so I couldn't give a rat's ass about what their opinions are. Women's Day

+1 y

Nice guys Vs Pushovers

Pushovers and nice guys are not the same thing. But it is possible for someone to be a pushover and a nice guy. Most people are not nice anyways. They are usually in between. Dating

+1 y

Why You Should Flaunt Your HOT Friends in Front of Your Man/Woman!

I had friends who didn't want me to be around their girlfriends... I don't understand why people are so afraid of showing off their attractive friends in front of their partners. They can be used... Dating

+1 y

3 "Not So Obvious" Signs He Cares About YOU.

1. I let people walk away 2. I don't put up with anyone's attitude 3. I don't apologize very often Wow, I don't care about anyone. Dating

+1 y

Men Don't Approach Hot Women!

Men approach attractive women Women approach attractive men There are people who are intimidated, scared of rejection and etc. But there's always going to be confident people everywhere.... Dating

+1 y

Why I'm NOT Gonna Date A Nice Guy!

It's funny how people make up definitions in their head and assign new meanings to words. I kinda agree with number 1 because nice people do tend to be pushovers because they usually are nice... Dating

+1 y

Plus Size is the New Thin!

So what? I'm never gonna be a plus size. Women's Day

+1 y

Communication: How Men and Women Communicate Differently, and How to Reconcile These Differences.

This is generally true. I avoid talking to people who are too sensitive and whiny. Relationships

+1 y

:* 5 Signs YOU Are A Loser

Excellent, this is spot on. I'm glad I'm the opposite of the things you listed. Education & Career

+1 y

Reasons Why I Have Mad Respect for Dan Bilzerian

I don't see what the issue is. He hasn't done anything wrong. People are just jealous of him and the ladies. Other

+1 y

It's Okay To Be a B*tch!

That's not what I would call a bitch. That's how everyone should be... Dating

+1 y

Respecting G@Gers!

No, I respect gaggers who earned my respect. A lot of people on here don't deserve any respect. G@G Community

+1 y

Editor of the Month, and Top 5 myTakes for February!

This is late. But congratulations to all the editors that were mentioned here. G@G Community

+1 y

What I Learned from Being a Cheater

You haven't learned anything from being a cheater. You just figured out the factors of what caused you to become a cheater. Dating

+1 y

Designer Brands Are a Waste of $$$

Yeah, I don't get why people waste their money on designer brands. Sounds stupid to me. Fashion & Beauty

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