Why I Left the Liberal Party

Why I left the liberal party

Don't get me wrong, I'm not shifting to conservatism or Republican (for obvious reasons). I just want to use this take as a way to explain why I no longer consider myself a liberal.Feel free to agree or disagree with this take. First off, as a hispanic, this was a difficult decision for me to make considering how hispanics are considered as a "minority" and as an "oppressed class" in this society. I know that liberals have did their best to assure that my people gained the rights and respect they deserved. However now, I don't want to associate myself with liberals or the left wing for these six reasons:

1. The demonization of white men

Why I Left the Liberal Party

Now I know there are some white people who are openly racists such as the KKK, Alt Right, and white supremacists/nationalists but to paint them all as racists or "privileged" is just as prejudice as calling all hispanics and blacks rapists and criminals. Anyone can racist and anyone can be a criminal. There are some white people who struggle and work just as hard as hispanics and to assume that each of them are somehow privileged is laughable.

2. The radical Black Lives Matter Movement

Why I Left the Liberal Party
I understand that there are some black people who have to deal with racism on a daily basis and I agree that cops can abuse their power to oppress a minority. I believe that justice should be served to EVERYONE. However, I just don't see how burning down shops, buildings, or yelling "KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE!" is a good example of showing that black lives matter. I also hate the whole "KILL COPS!" or "FUCK THE POLICE!" narrative that is coming from the movement when cops risk their lives to protect us and to keep criminals behind bars. Saying things like "Fuck the police!" is a huge slap to the face to them. I agree that cops should get more proper training so that way, they don't get all trigger happy but when you get arrested, try putting your hands where the cops can see them and don't show any hostility. Just do what the officer asks and everyone can go home happy. That way, we won't have to hear another Micheal Brown incident on CNN tonight.

3.The Antifas

Why I Left the Liberal Party

Personally, I'm against anything that appears to be anti free speech. You can protest all you want but that doesn't give you the right to start forming riots and shut down those who have an opposing view. Like recently on UC Berkley, when Ann Coulter was invited to give her speech until she was forced to shut down by the "antifas" due to the riots that were going on there. I thought universities were suppose to be a place of gaining knowledge, not brainwashing. I was disappointed by the results of this event and I also was disappointed by the liberals who supported the riots.

4. Refusing to listen to other's viewpoints

Why I Left the Liberal Party

I noticed how some liberals tend to be stubborn when it comes to expressing their ideals. They don't want to listen to anyone who has a different viewpoint and prefers to put themselves inside an echo chamber. They also dismiss anyone who disagrees with them by accusing them as a sexist, racist, or "just another privileged cis white male".

5. Toxic Feminism

Why I Left the Liberal Party

This was basically the tipping point for me. All my life, since I was little, I was taught the message from my mother, aunts, and female teachers that men are monsters and women are victims. With this in mind, I did whatever I could to prove to women that I was not the monster they thought I was. Little did I know, I was only digging myself down a deeper hole. Cause, I wasn't proving to them anything. Instead, I was used and disregarded and they still saw me as the person that they hated so much. Throughout my whole life, I believed the narrative that women can do no wrong and that men were always the perpetrators. It was only until I reached the age 18, right after I just got out of a toxic relationship, did I realize that was full of bullshit. Women can be bad, if not worse, than men. That's why, even until today and always, I will proudly call myself an anti feminist. Feminism use to mean something once, but now it has fallen into the hands of bitter women who claim to be fighting for equality when in reality, they want female superiority and free handouts. Feminism has become just as sexist as the people they claim to be against and I'm more than happy to no longer ally myself with them. I just find it disappointing that there are still some men and women who support such a toxic movement and finds it's sexism to be "justified". I'm also disappointed in the women of the hispanic community who hate their own men because of this movement (yes I actually met some latinas who were crazy feminists). I guess the quote "feminism is cancer" rings true after all.

5. The Doomed Generation

Why I Left the Liberal Party

Let's face it, even as we speak, millenials are being brainwashed by their liberal arts and gender studies professors across the nation. I'm only 19 and I'm actually worried where my generation is taking us. By the looks of it, it seems that we should be expecting a social collapse for the next 20 or 30 years.

6. I'm not a victim

Why I Left the Liberal Party

I don't want to spend the next few years of my life feeling as if I am a victim or part of an "oppressed class". I just want to live my life without worrying what's going to happen tomorrow or in the next few years. Life just seems too short to be full of fear and self pity. I do want to live in a society where we can all learn to respect, value each other, and look beyond race, gender, and ethnicity but sadly, I don't see that happening anytime soon. I'll make the most of what I can here though and I hope that when my time comes, I'll die with satisfaction and knowing that I've contributed something to this world. That's all I have to say. Thanks for reading this MyTake. Peace.

Why I Left the Liberal Party
5 Opinion