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+1 y

Why do some guys like girls that are hard to get?

Because they think you’re worth less if you quickly engage with them. It’s not just men, though. It’s a thing among all people nowadays. Showing interest is seen as uncool, desperate, loser-like.... Dating

+1 y

Do you feel that this generation is lost?

How are they lost? If anything, it’s their parents’ generation that’s lost, because they raised them to be this way. I also assume you speak of technology? You need to understand that relying... Society & Politics

+1 y

Women were healthier hotter in the Past?

Not just women, everyone was more active and healthy begore the rise of technology. Society & Politics

+1 y

What would you do if your girlfriend is pregnant?

Have you talked about having kids at all? Not necasserily together, but in general? Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why is there so much fuss over Trump pulling out of Syria? Barring invasion how can he help the Kurds without making the situation worse like Obama?

Because trump literally just bailed on the kurds when he said he’d help them? Because the kurds will get slaughtered by the turks? And it will be denied just like the armenian genocide? Because... Trending & News

+1 y

Why do girls have unrealistic standards?

Another whiney baby. Have you tried dating girls that are actually in your league or do you just go after the hot ones and complain? Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is it weird for a guy to ask his sister for relationship / dating advice?

I don’t think it’s weird at all. If you like girls, asking girls close to you stuff about girls is the best way to get some knowledge. I always feel that guys who have sisters better... Family & Friends

+1 y

Would you date an attractive guy with no game?

I wouldn’t date a guy that’s not social, no. If you can’t pick up on social ques it’s really hard to be with someone. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is it okay if I ask my girl to shave her arms?

You’re an asshole if you do. You’ve been dating this girl for what? A whole week? And you already want to request to change something? I don’t think she complains about your hair that’s probably... Relationships

+1 y

Is 18 years old too old to go on vacation with parents?

It gets kind of weird when you’re older than 25 Travel

+1 y

Do you think it’s important to challenge typical gender roles in dating?

I think challenging any set standard is always a good idea. You figure out what you actually think this way. Dating

+1 y

Atheists, how do you comprehend ghosts, witchcraft, black magic and demonic possessions?

I’m an agnostic atheist so I’m not sure how much my opinion actually matters, considering I’m open to possibilities. I think all of those things could be true, but I’ve never truly seen... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

What is your opinion of a woman that’s always single?

Sounds like you haven’t learned to love yourself yet. How is anyone going to love you if you can’t? Dating

+1 y

Why are women obsessed with body Image? Do you think the media, celebrity, and peer pressure make it toxic?

You have to understand, women are raised to be a certain way from a young age. We’re told we can or can’t do things because we’re a certain gender, just like men, except with women it’s a lot more... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think 15% tip is too much?

In my country tipping isn’t mandatory. You tip only when the service was really good or when you want to round up a number (the total is 82,- but you make it 85,-) Food & Beverage

+1 y

Should incels just invest in surgery?

“Incels” aren’t a thing... they’re just whiny guys that think they owe sex. Maybe if they were better people someone would fuck them, but all they do is complain about not being able to fuck... Other

+1 y

Was anyone else upset about all the body-shaming and homophobia in Friends?

You need to place it in the period it was made, a period where standards and ideas were very different. Now, I think “aiaiai” when I see those jokes but back then they were considered fine. Entertainment & Arts

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