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1 mo

Is it strange to have no friends in your early 20’s?

Yes, it is strange to have no friends in your early 20s-and at any age for that matter. For me, I do think it's weird, but certainly not bad at all. I do think there is a difference if it's choice... Family & Friends

1 mo

Does America have the rudest women in the world?

I don't know, and I find this metric impossible to quaintify. How do we determine the level of "rudness" of someone, more, or less an entire population of a sex throughout 197 countries on Earth?... Society & Politics

1 mo

Which version you like of Ariana Grande? 2010 or 2024?

2010, since that's before I realized how much of a scumbag she is. Other

1 mo

How tall are you?

I'm 6'2(About 188 centimeters), and even though I'm taller than a vast majority of people, as a younger man here in the United States of America, I still see a lot of men around my height. Other

1 mo

Out of the early, mid and late 2000s, which do you feel had more inspirational music?

Your decades are all screwed up, and if you're referring to "2000s" as a century, we are still very, very far from the "late 2000s". Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Is it bad for a 26 year old woman date a younger guy age 20-24?

No, I don't think it's a "bad" thing for a 26 year old woman (or man for that matter) to date a 20-24 year old man (or woman for that matter), but depending on the age in the 20-24 year odld... Dating

2 mo

Who has it harder when trying to date - women or men?

Women. Women are more likely to be killed by a date, stalked by a date, and overall face violent crimes from a date (as well as boyfriends/husbands for that matter). Sure, men may get rejected... Dating

2 mo

Can you solve this RIDDLE?

My answer: Pockets. (Although some men don't have pockets, and some women do wear pockets). Other

2 mo

Do you agree or disagree with Candace Owens that Taylor Swift is the most toxic feminist that has ever lived?

I've came across several more toxic Feminists than Taylor Swift in my personal life, so no, once again, I don't agree with Candace Owens. Owens's criteria for "toxic feminism" is comical. Just... Society & Politics

2 mo

Who should be next us president? vote?

I didn't vote, because neither one should be the next U. S. President. Joe Biden is already our current president, so he can't be the next president. There is a possibility he could be the 48th... Society & Politics

2 mo

What made the most recent U. S. presidents, Obama, Trump and Biden a good or bad president?

Barack Obama was a good president because despite being the first non-white president in the history of the United States of America without a supermajority in Congress virtually his whole... Society & Politics

2 mo

Is it weird for a 28 year old woman to dte 45 year old man?

It's a little weird, but definitely not unethical. You're both fully-developed, grown adults, so dating is fine. It's also fine for you two to work at DTE Energy Home together. Dating

2 mo

How many of the pink accounts on here are guys?

I don't know, and I don't see how there is a way to know. I'd estimate there are at least 100 pink accounts that are secretly ran by males on this website (some I'm sure haven't been active in a... Girl's Behavior

2 mo

Are you watching the super bowl?

Yes, since I've watched every Super Bowl since the 2004-2005 NFL Season. I'm rooting for the San Francisco 49ers, solely because I loathe the Kansas City Chiefs (and the Chiefs just won last year... Entertainment & Arts

3 mo

Which state would you least want to live in?

Zero percent of this website should have voted for Washington, D. C. You're right OP, it's not a state, so why put it in a list of choices asking people to vote for the state they want to live... Travel

3 mo

Is getting a job easier than getting a girlfriend?

Yes, obviously. Virtually all jobs need multiple people to work them. A woman only needs one person to date. Even in polygamous relationships, it's extremely unlikely a woman will date as many... Dating

3 mo

Why don’t they allow you to donate blood if you are below 50 kg?

@islathewitch already gave the answer. This is a question with a very Googleable answer. Health & Fitness

3 mo

Why are people so angry and negative lately?

Here in the United States of America, I've noticed this myself, and not just lately, but ever since the COVID-19 Pandemic was declared. First of all, I think the COVID-19 Pandemic had (and is... Society & Politics

3 mo

Why do SOME men who are 45 and up try to be players?

Because you're never to old to be a "player". Of course, "player" is an ambiguous term which means different things to different people. I'd argue I met a 64 year old "player" back in 2019 at a... Guy's Behavior

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