I’ve never had a boyfriend , I’ve never met a guy that agrees to meet my family , take pics with me , spend holidays with me , nothing.
only one guy I dated is now 32 but he’s a man child, doesn’t act mature nor wants marriage/babies , lives with mom and fuckboy.
Only until now I began get good luck & have many boys at my job like me, about 30 boys or more , but i think they are all young in the age group. But I still feel they would be a better boyfriend for me than that past guy I dated.
I also always felt a young guy would have no experience or never had a girlfriend so he would be excited be my boyfriend rather than an older guy telling me he already had serious relationships & not looking for a relationship.
even tho I’m 26 I feel I’m still 20 and late bloomer and feel like my life is backwards. lol
2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. Not at all, age doesn’t really matter when it comes to chemistry and connection and attraction with someone , whether they are older or younger then you are , All that matters is they treat you well and make you smile. People that hold age as a deciding factor are only limiting themselves from someone that actually might be amazing to them , I dated girls that were almost 15 years younger than me , and they were more mature than girls’ my age or older that I dated , so that’s why I don’t really hold age as a deciding factor , I consider myself wise enough not to approach a girl that is under legal age of consent , let alone I had some of those girls’ come on to me , but I stop them and draw the line and tell them to wait until they are legal and see where I am at when they are legal lol So for you dating a guy a few years younger than you is not a big deal , most younger guys’ like older girls’ mainly because it boosts his ego that he got an older girl falling for him wanting him , I was that age once and when I landed an older girl , I felt Like I was the Man lol , I still treated her the same way I would treat a girl my age , my ex wife that I married is 4 years older
Than me, her and I were married for 18 years , until she decided to cheat on me with an older co worker , Now I been dating girls’ younger than me cuz it seems younger girls ‘ like older guys’ they been coming on to me so I been am enjoying it lol00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 6 mo
No, I don't think it's a "bad" thing for a 26 year old woman (or man for that matter) to date a 20-24 year old man (or woman for that matter), but depending on the age in the 20-24 year odld range, I do think it can be odd.
A 26 year old dating a 23-24 year old isn't odd at all.
A 26 year old dating a 21-22 year old is a little odd, but not too bad. At least by 21 years old, many of them can do adult-like things legally.
However, a 26 year old dating a 20 year old... is odd to be honest. Sure, six years may not seem like much, but the difference between 20-26 isn't the same as 26-32, 33-39, etc. 20 year olds have just exited their teen years, so I can see why this is odd. Plus, in the United States of America, many 20 year olds can't enter places older adults can enter, and/or do many adult-like things.
With that being said, don't worry about what others think. If you're fine with it, go for it. I'll never say it's "bad".
02 Reply- 6 mo
Forget the age 20. Let’s say 21-24. I’m 26 and never had a boyfriend. One guy I dated as 32 but immatire and never wanted meet family so I dumped him. That’s y a younger guy will gladly want a relationship and be my serious boyfriend since he is young. Even tho I’m 26 I feel I’m 15 barley looking for my first boyfriend. I never had a relationship in my entire life. That 32 year old boy just wasted my time. That’s y I’m 26 not married no babies and never had a serious boyfriend
- 6 mo
Then I'll agree there really isn't anything weird about you dating a guy between the ages of 21-24 years old.
- 6 mo
Honestly no, I don't think it's wrong for women to date younger men (obviously no one should date anyone under the age of 18 tho so as long as it's older then that it's fine) I felt really weird about dating anyone younger than me for the longest time until I met my current boyfriend, he was 20 soon to be 21 and I was 22 just turned 23, not that big of an age gap but honestly he is the sweetest most considerate partner I have ever had and I love him so much, so at first I thought I might get a little uncomfortable with it but after talking to him for a little while before our first date and getting to know him more we just kinda clicked and have so much in common and it made our first date seem like we've known each other for years and it's just been so perfect ever since, so I think if there's a guy that you really connect with and you're wanting that relationship then go for it
00 Reply
- 6 mo
Why does everyone ask these questions? If you are over 18, who cares? You see young and old people together all the time. So what does 5 years difference - either way - make in the grand scheme of life?
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 6 mo
Of course, there’s a 23 year old that has asked me out. He’s pretty nice and mature, I’d date him gladly if I was ready for dating right now.
18 Reply- 6 mo
Interesting. Women in their 20s rarely date younger men.
- 6 mo
@EnglishArtsteacher I think a younger guy will be my serious boyfriend. I dated a guy that was 32 and he never wanted meet my family and I dump him. He only wanted sex. And immatire.
- 6 mo
@EnglishArtsteacher yea that's because the men that are "younger" for us are in their teens 😅
- 6 mo
@RavenBear0 Right, but even when women are 28/29 years old, I notice they don''t date younger men.
- 6 mo
@EnglishArtsteacher yea I feel like that's usually due to a maturity level tbh, but then again I've started to notice how the younger guys have ended up being more mature then the older guys lately so maybe that's why it's becoming a more common thing?
- 6 mo
@RavenBear0 Interesting. Australia must be a unique place.
- 6 mo
@EnglishArtsteacher lol whys that? 😅
4.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Cougar! but it's okay, it mainly become problem when a woman fertility get very low.
114 Reply- 6 mo
Yeah it is only a few years difference some young guys are better because they don't have the damaged image of relationships and baggage lol
10 Reply it depends on the guy, i know there are guys that have mommy fetishes and are into that and perfer an older woman cuz the girls younger than him don't want marriage and probably the fella wants to start a family and is willing to take a lady that wants to share her life with him.💕
00 ReplyLike all women, you claim you look younger than you do. If you and a young guy want to date, there is nothing wrong with it. You should please yourself. You don't need our approval.
00 Reply1.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Nope not bad. I've found younger guys to be more mature anyways so it's probably better to date a few years younger
00 Reply- 6 mo
I'd wonder if chicks who are early to mid 20s would prefer dating a guy who's later 20s. Clearly I'm a biased man here ♂️
02 Reply- 6 mo
I’m 26 and the guy I dated is now 32 and I dumped him as he sent meet fmaily he only wanted sex and immatire wasted my time.
Now as I’m 26 I think a young guy will be good for me as he’ll want a serious relationship since he’s young. Older guys tell me same shit they have had serious relationship already and not looking for another serious relationship. 😡
I don't think so there are problem with it but i prefer like my age or little older.
13 Reply11.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. No, it's not, although you may find a 20-year-old a bit immature.
02 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. That is not much of an age gap. If you like someone a little younger it shouldn't stop you from seeing how it goes with them.
00 Reply- 6 mo
24 and 26 are practically the same age anyway, but aside from that, your'e all adults
00 Reply - 6 mo
there are no legal limitations if you both are adults, enjoy.
00 Reply - 6 mo
Nah, go for what you want. Live without fear or regrets.
00 Reply It's no issue, both are college-grad years, one just be starting out a career or grad school.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)6 mo
No, but a 20 year old might be too immature for a 26 year old
01 Reply - 6 mo
no, not at all
00 Reply - 6 mo
That's not to bad in My honest opinion.
00 Reply - 6 mo
4-6 year age gap not a big deal 🤝
00 Reply Nah it’s good
00 Reply
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