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2 h

Changing for PE at Primary School (up to age 11)?

We never changed for PE until grade 6, and then it was in locker rooms. Girl's Behavior

1 d

Men, can you pee and poo at the same time?

No problem doing both at the same time, although I don't always do both at the same time Health & Fitness

6 d

Do you know how to tie a tie?

I don't wear a tie often, so it might take me an attempt or two to get everything the right length but I do know how to tie it. Fashion & Beauty

6 d

Why do blonde people tend to be more attractive?

I'm surrounded by Scandinavians and Germans where I live. Blonde is so common, it isn't a rare desirable trate like it might be elsewhere. Fashion & Beauty

6 d

Will female urinals become more mainstream?

I think we'll see more unisex urinals being installed in public buildings with gender neutral restrooms. Girl's Behavior

7 d

For how long do you cook your steak on each side to make sure is medium well?

That depends on way too many other factors to say- the thickness of the cut? On a grill? How hot? In Cast Iron? Food & Beverage

7 d

Wheres the strangest place you ever peed?

Off a cliff in a wilderness area has to be up there. Other

9 d

Yay or nay, Ice cream and olive oil?

I've had ice cream with olive oil and Himalayan salt before. It's definitely a different flavor than traditional ice cream, but it was still really good. Food & Beverage

10 d

Men, have you ever thought about acting more like a bear?

Does it count if I "Pooh Bear" it around the house sometimes? Guy's Behavior

11 d

Do You Usually Listen To Music When You Drive?

Music 3/4 of the time, public radio the other quarter. Hobbies & Leisure

18 d

What’s your favorite kind of underwear to wear?

I'm a briefs guy. They provide the best support, they're more comfortable, and there's no extra fabric to ride up. Fashion & Beauty

24 d

Have you made good friends on GAG?

There's a few I talk with relatively regularly. Sharing stories of our families, etc. Making friends here was never a goal, but I've made a few. G@G Community

24 d

Do you tip if you aren't at a sit-down restaurant?

Yes. I try to tip around 20% by default. If service is exceptional, I'll tip higher. Even if the service is poor, the server has to be able to make a living, and tipped wage without some sort of... Food & Beverage

24 d

What daily task do you wish you could pay someone else to do for you?

Cooking. I don't mind the work that goes into cooking, but it takes up a fair amount of time that I otherwise could be spending with my son. Hobbies & Leisure

24 d

Toilet Seat UP or Seat DOWN?

At home I usually sit to pee, so the seat is almost always down. Other

24 d

Does the American flag now belong to the far right?

Included in the list of events I've designed are political conventions and campaign events for both parties. There's always an American flag on display at them, regardless of party. The difference... Society & Politics

25 d

Did anyone worked as art class drawing model, mostly for colleges?

I modeled for a life drawing class at a different university in the same town I attended college in. The pay was very minimal... I think I sat for drawings maybe 7 times over two years and maybe... Education & Career

28 d

How important is it to you to have a deep understanding and connection with at least a few friends?

Very important. I have a few really good friends that I'm really close with. I'd take that over a bunch more friendly acquaintances for sure Family & Friends

1 mo

Sugar before or after pouring?

I don't take sugar in my coffee, but if I pour a coffee for my wife who does, I always put the sugar in first. Food & Beverage

1 mo

How old were you when you got your driver's license?

I was 15. In North Dakota you can get your learners permit at 14, and at the time a full license at 15. Now you can only get a provisional license at 15, full license at 16. Other

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