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5 Of My Least Favourite Celebrities (ADD YOURS)

5) Kanye West Nobody should be this talentless and make millions from it. 4) Selena Gomez Somehow being the ditzy Disney girl who dated Justin Bieber makes it okay for someone without a morsel of musical talent be considered a singer. 3) Ariana Grande Being statured like a 12 year old and...

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3 Reasons Why I Like Guys With Tattoos

This seems to be a bit of a controversial thing with women. Some like tattoos, some don't. I fall into the former category. As someone who would never get a tattoo myself, I have a few reasons why I'd rather date a guy who has them. 1) Guys With Tattoos Are More Trustworthy (In MY Opinion, Not...

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8 Cutest Male Olympic Athletes at Rio

1) Jordan Burroughs (Wresting) 2) Tom Daley (Swimming) (left) 3) Gábor Balog (Swimming) 4) Marcelo Chierighini (Swimming) 5) David Boudia (Swimming) 6) Pita Nikolas Taufatofua (Tae Kwon Do) (right) 7) Nathan Adrian (Swimming) 8.) Karlos Balderas (Boxing) * Gagger guys , Please don't take...

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5 Reasons Why I Have Rejected Guys (It's Not All About Looks You Know)

More than once (once most recently) I have been accused of not dating someone because I didn't think they were in my league, which was not the case. A lot of guys seem to think that if a girl rejects them it's because she thinks he isn't attractive enough, which is almost never the case. So...

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10 Things You Should Do Before Summer Ends

1) Go To A Big Theme Park Try going with just you and your bestie or a whole bunch of people to go to the biggest theme park you can find and make a day of it. 2) Go On A Road Trip Go on a road trip with a group of close friends and stop at a few beaches or bars to sit and just chill out with...

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7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

The only makeup I ever wear is mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick/gloss/balm and here are a few reasons why. 1) Makeup Increases Acne The more concealer and foundation you put on, the more chance there is of you breaking out. Which you then cover again with more makeup. Which to me seems kind of...

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Why I Don't Own A Cell Phone

1) It Cuts You Off From The World Being on your phone all the time cuts you off from reality and your surroundings. You end up so engrossed in what you're doing that you don't notice what's happening around you. 2) The World Feels Cut Off From You If you're on your phone, people may be...

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Dear Dad, 9 Things I Will Never Forgive You For

A list of unforgivable occurrences, from a 17 year old daughter to her abusive father. 1) I Will Never Forgive You For Abusing My Mother I will never forgive you for refusing to get a job and having my mom pay for all of your needs (alcohol, drugs, and food), for verbally and physically...

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What It's Like To Have Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Nobody Can Ever Really Understand What You're Going Through It almost feels like every time you talk to someone a little voice in the back of your mind is yelling "please help me, I'm so alone, I'm losing my mind!". But you can't exactly explain it to anybody, because you feel like they won't...

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Things That Matter, Aside From Good Looks

Now, before I start this list, I just want to clarify that looks ARE IMPORTANT. Actually VERY important, but they also aren't everything. You may initially like someone because they are attractive but there are so many things that contribute to someone liking you or you liking them, and here are...

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Why Other People's Opinions of You Are Meaningless

1) They Can Call You Stupid, It Doesn't Mean You Are The only unintelligence in this world is going along with what everybody else says. If your opinion is different than everyone elses that doesn't make you stupid, it makes you mentally independant and creative. The only person who can tell...

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Why I'm Against Marriage

Since we were little we've been told how our lives are going to play out. We're going to go to elementary school, then high school, then we will go to a good college, then we will get a decent job, then we will meet someone nice, then we will get married, then we will have children, then we will...

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8 Simple Ways to Eat Healthier

I know how difficult it is. When you see a piece of fried chicken and a salad, it's hard to turn down the crispy deep fried deliciousness of that insane amount of saturated calories. But there are little ways to slowly improve your health with food, without changing your diet altogether. Ways to...

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Signs He Just Doesn't Care About You

Every girl will encounter this guy at some point in her life, most times more than just once. He's perfect. He's cute, he's nice, he's got a good job. But you find out far too late that he was never really serious about you. Here are a few ways you can identify this guy. 1) He Asks You To Change...

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Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality

We always see things in the media claiming that personality is the only thing that matters and that looks shouldn't/don't matter. Am I the only one who believes that isn't the case? Hear me out. Of course who a person is on the inside is SO INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT, but I don't think people give...

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