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+1 y

Would you date someone with a disability?

It would all depend on the disability. I grew up with 2 mentally disabled brother and a physically disabled dad. I'm certainly not judging. But it would depend on the disability. Dating

+1 y

What’s your opinion on “stay at home dad/husband” and “breadwinner mom/wife” families?

This is my family. It used to be traditional, but my dad became disabled in 2010 and my mom had to start working. Still like this now, and we have all of our needs met so I'm happy :D... Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you girls let your man play with your boobs?

For me it's physically painful sometimes. like at first it'll feel ok. Then I'll get ticklish. And then it starts to hurt when my breasts are touched. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you save conversations on Snapchat?

I do and it actually upset my ex lol... Even thought he couldn't remember half of what we talked about anyways. Emphasis on 'ex" Technology & Internet

+1 y

Should I write a letter to my college crush?

no note. If she's in one of your classes, play dumb, and be like hey I need help with this assignment and you really know what you're doing in this class. Can I get your number so maybe you can... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would you rather live in England or America and why?

England, they have the best accents. Omg. I want an englishman. Lol Travel

+1 y

This guy didn’t come over last night and went off on him. Thoughts?

It sounds like you should learn some patience.. I would've given it until 1, then go to sleep and message him the next day and go off. He could've been short handed at work. Easily. You tell... Dating

+1 y

(pic) Dark circles under eyes? How do I get rid of them?

Could very well be genetic. Mine are - I have dark circles and it looks like I have bags under my eyes. I don't get nearly enough sleep.. maybe 4 or 5 hours a night if that.. lol. however... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is it normal that I cannot help noticing my brother's bulge at times?

Oops I meant to vote normal. I notice it sometimes with my younger brother. then I get grossed out and punch him in the stomach, tickle him, or some other sisterly thing. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you know this country?

I've heard of it but have never been there Travel

+1 y

Would YOUR life be better if social media didn't exist?

Not really. I barely use facebook, I wouldn't be affected if it was gone.. but wait a second. isn't this a sort of social media? Technology & Internet

+1 y

Is it true that if someone blocks you after a misunderstanding, they don't care if you're out of their life?

My best friend blocked me after such a misunderstanding. I tried messaging her to apologize and was blocked. 3 months later she messaged me saying how much she missed me and apologizing for... Other

+1 y

Do you believe that intelligent people lack common sense?

I believe this to be true and I am one of these people, intelligent with not common sense Education & Career

+1 y

How to get my boyfriend to unfollow a girl I dislike?

Relationships are about trust. If you can't trust him, why are you dating him? It's a follow on social media. Don't let that mess you up. If he starts seeing her and meeting her, that's when... Dating

+1 y

What do you think about my Sims on the Sims 4?

My sims were playing toss the baby one day. I have pictures. Also of my sim killing pool. Annd of my sim's son's 20 some children long family tree. Technology & Internet

+1 y

How many kids do you want?

2 of my own. I want to adopt more than that though. Maybe a total of 5. Or I might foster kids. Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you consider Bill Gates a true Christian because He almost has 90 billion dollars in net worth?

I don't know Bill Gates, and since I am not Bill Gates, I don't know his standing with God. Therefore it isn't my place to judge. Religion & Spirituality

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