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1 y

What would you do if a hot girl wants you but you have a girlfriend?

That happened to me. I regret sticking with the girlfriend over the other girl. Dating

1 y

What can be done about Americans and their excessive need for guns and their excessive need for unnecessary violence?

Simple problem is African americans commit the majority of homicides in the USA and are 13% of the population. The caucasian population of the USA has tons of guns and their homicide rate fits... Society & Politics

1 y

What do you think about a 10 years old rape victim who is unable to get abortion due to abortion ban?

She was though. her state has a medical exemption for abortions--they didn't bother trying to get an abortion there. The parents went over state lines and the new doctor falsely reported the... Society & Politics

1 y

195 Republicans Vote AGAINST Right To Contraception. Are you looking forward to the contraception ban?

Given that the bill in question was probably chock full of leftist add ons for this and that, I'm confident they did the right thing. Society & Politics

1 y

Ron Desantis give money away in Florida like Biden in DC, Is he any Different Not a conservative?

Caring about fiscal policy is so 2010's. Destantis is popular because instead of sitting back while the Dems viscously go after whoever they disagree with, he actually fights back and brings the... Trending & News

1 y

How do you not take your partner suggesting that you both work out, personally?

Your partner wants you *both* to exercise to be healthier and more attractive to each other, and sounds like he's very nice about it and wants it to be a team effort, not putting it just on you.... Health & Fitness

1 y

Would you risk climbing Mount Everest, if money was no object?

Nah. Risk of death is too high for me to be worth it. Hobbies & Leisure

1 y

How do some ugly guys gets hot smokin’ girlfriends?

Various reasons. Maybe the guy has great game and/or very successful. Maybe the girl has very low self esteem, or wants to be worshipped in the relationship so she feels more secure, or is burned... Dating

1 y

Why do some men expect women to settle for them?

Men and women have different values. It's great you're a small business owner, but that's not necessarily going to have value to men. (plus, small business owner can mean anything from you have a... Dating

1 y

Should men be more responsible now that Roe v Wade is overturned?

Umm women can literally impregnate themselves with sperm from a condom, admit it, and get child support in the USA. Men already had zero choice after sex--hell, in the USA even a paternity test... Society & Politics

1 y

Do you think each round of vaccination spawns a new Covid variant?

I think the vaccines are terrible quality. So many people I know have had multiple shots but still got dog sick from covid. "but it would have been worse without the shots!" Umm would it have... Society & Politics

1 y

What do you think of Ben Shapiro?

A lying con artist who tries to twist facts and history for his own benefit. Society & Politics

1 y

Do you support a gay marriage ban?

Yes, 100% would support a ban on gay marriage. Society & Politics

1 y

Do Republicans Love Nazi's?

According to the Left, EVERYTHING they oppose is white supremacy. The Right would have to be absolute morons to support that bill. You like gun rights? White supremacy. You are against abortion on... Society & Politics

1 y

Wouldn't the best Gun Control be making guns as expensive as possible?

It's a felony for convicted criminals to have guns already. Go visit Chicago and let me know how that's working out for them. Society & Politics

1 y

Why do so many white supremacists say black people can be racist?

Why do so many black racists try to claim black people can't be racist? Society & Politics

1 y

Why do people hate Jews and Judaism?

In the USA and Europe, jews advocate for mass immigration to make the European-American and European populations a minority in their own countries. In the USA, jews pushed to normalize porn and... Society & Politics

1 y

What do you think or have to say about this statement regarding pregnancy?

I think Roe V Wade being over turned means women are going to somewhat get held to the standards men get held to. Or, at least a little closer. And they can't stand it. Society & Politics

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