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4 mo

Do you actually believe the friendzone is real?

Of course, it is real. And guys stay there to be close to their crush, while friendzoning the women who could be romantic interests. The funny thing is how some guys pretend that there is some... Relationships

4 mo

Why Travel to Another Country when Internet Exists?

There is nothing like traveling and going to another country/culture. Eating the food, talking to the people, seeing the sites, etc. And me. . . seeing that I loved women from all kinds of... Travel

4 mo

Why don't some women like to apologize to their man after a fight?

It is the main reason why I am with my lady to this day. I have never been in a relationship where a woman apologized to me for something she did or said. Girl's Behavior

4 mo

How often do you cook something for your wife/girlfriend?

Pretty much never. I just count all the times we eat out. Since I am the one who is paying. Relationships

4 mo

Why do I see western men with Asian or African women but not arab women?

Because you haven't looked. Ever been to the UK? France? Dating

5 mo

Is it Bad to Lose Hope in Humanity?

Well, it is tempting to do that. It is tempting to be cruel to people when they are cruel to you. It is tempting to see only the bad. I can't say it is bad. Maybe you are just being like most... Society & Politics

5 mo

How to Ensure I Don't Date a Woman Who's Vegetarian & or Vegan?

Walk around with a sign that says, you don't date Vegetarian or Vegan. Dating

5 mo

Women can't love men unconditionally the way men can love women unconditionally agree?

That's hilarious. When you are infatuated with a woman who doesn't love you back, you are not loving her unconditionally. Because you just want her to have some sex with you and when you don't get... Girl's Behavior

5 mo

Nation's Christmas tree falls over. More bad news for Joe?

Yeah, the Christmas tree falling over has crippled the administration. Holidays

5 mo

When Russia finally takes over Ukraine is a few months what will happen to the billions of tax dollars and military's equipment that joe Biden gave?

Yawn. . . in order to take over land, they would have to win some battles. They were pushed out of Kiev, out of Kharkiv, and out of Kherson. Ukraine is now sending drone attacks deep into Russia... Society & Politics

5 mo

Why does society shame mom bods but praise dad bods?

It is called sexism. I find it hilarious that the folks who shame women for being overweight or out of shape, also shame women for showing off their fit bodies and sexy curves. Girl's Behavior

7 mo

“Don’t worry about somebody liking you just hope they doing right by you." Do you agree or disagree with this quote?

Wow. . . me and my nieces and nephews played this scene over and over again a thousand times. What I loved about Denzel's character is that he was far from perfect. But you could understand what... Society & Politics

7 mo

If Wolverine made a convertible out of your car would you be thankful to him?

Only Still-Alive could make that post. I remember literally screaming when I first saw this episode. Entertainment & Arts

8 mo

Do you agree with Yoda that there is 'do or do not. there is no try'?

I understand the essence of what he is saying. It isn't about the capability to do anything. It is about knowing yourself and knowing what you are capable of. Other

8 mo

Who is the real enemy of the people?

"Almost everyone", who is this almost everyone? Four years ago, the unemployment was at 15%. GDP took almost a 4% drop. The turd is responsible for 1/4 of our entire debt. Society & Politics

8 mo

Do you give money to beggars? If not money what kind of things do you give them?

I only do if I don't have the time. But normally I get them something to eat or whatever if they want it. There was a guy who used to sell StreetWise. I would buy two from him normally. I haven't... Society & Politics

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