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+1 y

Why do I find possessive men sexy?

Your relationship with your father is most likely the reason, yeah. You should talk with a therapist about this so that you don't find yourself in an abusive situation. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Would you ever cheat on your bf?

If I felt like he wasn't making me a priority, I'd talk to him about the issue and try to find a suitable solution to the problem. I'd never cheat on him. However, I'm equally confident that... Relationships

+1 y

Can men and women really be best friends, without ruining the relationship?

Well... my two best friends are guys and my bf's best friend is a girl sooooooooo... yeah. Relationships

+1 y

How to tell a guy you don't want friends with benefits?

Asserting your own wants and needs isn't rude. Just tell him plainly "that is not what I am looking for. I'm looking for a meaningful relationship". Dating

+1 y

Is a vegetarian girl a turn off for a meat eater?

It certainly complicates things if he's the type that wants to share meals together. Though vegetarian isn't that hard to deal with compared to full on vegan. I'd date a guy who was a vegetarian,... Dating

+1 y

I wish I never met you. Why did he say this?

He sounds like an immature douche and, frankly, if I were you I wouldn't bother with him. I certainly wouldn't attempt to raise a kid with him. I think you're probably better off terminating the... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

When a guy says "im a good guy", what do you think that means?

I think generally if you need to tell people you're a good person... you probably aren't. Actions speak louder. Relationships

+1 y

Would you trust your gf/bf to go to a festival/concert?

If I didn't he wouldn't be my boyfriend.. Relationships

+1 y

Why do men age better than women?

Oh please... I've seen plenty of women who've aged incredibly well and plenty of men who've aged horribly. It comes down to a combination of lifestyle (diet, exercise) and genetics. The... Health & Fitness

+1 y

When a man gives a woman a lavish gift🎁, he thinks he is scoring 5 points in her book when actually that is worth just a point to her?

I can honestly say I've never thought about my relationship on a points system... wtf is that? Lol Flirting

+1 y

So, why do men REALLY settle for plain/unattractive women after all?

Some likely feel more secure in a relationship with a woman who is more average or plain and not a big head turner. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

He's just joking?

He's being an asshole. Even if he was joking, after you told him it hurts your feelings he should have apologised and stopped doing it. It sounds like he is intentionally making you feel bad... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Should I pressure myself to drink more water?

Water is your friend. Drink water. Health & Fitness

+1 y

"Your thighs can't touch!" is this thing that bad like people make it?

Fuck them. Seriously. What a stupid thing to make fun of someone for! Just ignore girls like. They do it to make themselves feel better - it has nothing to do with you at all. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you have a "normal" time for having dinner?

We typically eat between 6 and 7, depending what time we get home and what we decide to have. Sometimes we don't eat til 7 or 8 but that's not typical. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Am I fat? 14 year old girl?

You're not fat at all!! Health & Fitness

+1 y

What is the difference between being assertive and agressive?

Assertive means being open about your needs. Aggressive means not caring about others' needs. Other

+1 y

Boyfriend won't add me on Facebook?

I get not putting the relationship on Facebook but it seems sketchy and weird to not even add you as a friend... Relationships

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