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Description of What it's Like When I'm Feeling Low

Feeling low; am sure we've all been through that. I feel low often and to be honest I'd like to not feel this way... I'd like to write this Take to share my feelings :( 1. I feel so lost Feeling so lost most of the time ain't the best feeling in the world 2. I feel so alone And as a result, I...

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What It's Like Living With Aging Parents

I would like to share in this take what it's like to live by the side of ageing parents that are like 60 and married for more than 30 years :) 1. They'll still be caring to each other after all these years together I'd like to be like them later. <3 2.They like to watch TV a lot 3. They make...

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8 Ways I Entertain Myself

Everyone is different and entertains themselves in their own way; below are the ways I entertain myself: #BATTLEROYALE 1. Watching TV 2. Star-gazing/Moon-gazing 3. Listening to music 4. Fixing stuffs 5. Playing with my dogs 6. Learning new stuff to cook 7. Shopping 8. Daydreaming...

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5 Reasons Why Tim Burton Is One of the Most Talented Guys in the Movie Biz

So talented and unique, film director Tim Burton to me is the most talented artist ever! Below are the reasons why: #BATTLEROYALE 1. The touch of creepiness I don't know about you guys but I like it when there's some creepiness in a movie. <3 2. It make things feel unreal There's always this...

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Different Movie Types: What I Like, What I Don't

We all like movies but we don't necessarily like all types of movies, because we all have different tastes. I'd like to list the types of movies I like and the ones I don't like as well: #BATTLEROYALE Types I Like: Horror Movies! Exorcist movies! Romantic movies! Comedy movies! Passionate...

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13 Obvious Signs He Ain't Serious (i.e, He's a Player/Liar/Cheater)

I just wanna write this take to give some tips that a guy is toying with you and your feelings, and simply doesn't love you. I just wanted to share my past experience here so some of you guys can avoid the same sh*t. Listen up! #BATTLEROYALE 1. He only says stuff you wanna hear 2. He will...

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5ive Types of People I Don't Trust

There are different types of people; and everyone is unique in his/her own way but when it comes to trusting people...I have a hard time trusting people ESPECIALLY if they sound similar to the ones I will list below: #BATTLEROYALE 1. People who are known to be liars It's obvious though; if...

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8 Superstitions I Am VERY Familiar With

Superstitions: They're present in almost every part of the world. I'm gonna list a few I am VERY familiar with below. :p #BATTLEROYALE 1. Give a pregnant woman everything she wants I often hear that if when a woman is pregnant NEVER refuse to give her things she wants (it can be anything; a...

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Pasta is Our Friend: Why It Fits the Healthy Lifestyle

So yummy and satisfying; pasta is a base for healthful plates and on top of that its my favorite ^_^. Even though I just finished preparing pasta for dinner a few minutes ago, I'd like to share about why it should be consumed more :p #BATTLEROYALE dat cutie in the meme knows the feel ;) *It...

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Why You Gotta Eat More Fi$h🐠 🐟

What inspired me to write this mytake is that I am about to have fish for dinner in a couple of minutes LOL (I won't lie though, I eat fish VERY OFTEN :p ) It's the reason why I wanna talk a little bit about that healthy sea-given food; fish! 🐠 🐟 #BATTLEROYALE P.S. I know some people who...

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Leave Dat Body Hair Alone! 💇 ✖️

Love it or hate it, we all have natural body hair (even though I know some people that suffer from some conditions that causes the loss of it ). Some might be slightly hairy while others might be more hairy than others, but in the end, body hair serves it purpose. ;) #BATTLEROYALE I just wanna...

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Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

It might be because it's summer or maybe because you just sweat a LOT but it needs to be can be healthy! I know it may be a source of discomfort (smell,etc...) but it has its healthy side too!!! ^_^ #BATTLEROYALE 1. It can flush away salt Yup...! the more you sweat the more salt you...

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How it Feels to Have Baby Fever

Awwww babies <3 these little beings are so resist seeing them without having a baby fever uh? :p I would like to share how it feels like when am having one of these baby fevers :) 1.When I see a baby I feel like "awwwwww he/she is too adorable <3 <3 !!! i want one"... 2. When i...

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My Other Name is Ms. Clumsy!

I think most of you might know someone in your surrounding that is really clumsy..(like REALLY CLUMSY).....what inspired me to write this take is that earlier today i broke a class of water (and honestly I don't know how this happened LOL it was on the table next to me) this take...

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Stuffs That Can Happen When Shopping for Clothes

Ooooh shopping!! Who doesn't like that, huh? Getting yourself a little something ;) ? Some people like to go shopping every week, while others every couple of weeks, others once a month, and others only once in a while only when they need something new in their wardrobe... Personally I am the...

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Beauty Lies in the Eye of the Beholder

Beauty; what is beauty? Is it something that everyone is running after? Or simply something that makes you wanna keep on staring at? Or something that gets one's attention? Hmmmmm it's hard to tell... The quote which is the title above is popular and really makes sense. But why is it so?...

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13 Irritating Behaviors that Make Me Go Stark Raving Mad >:(

Am sure a lot of you get angry for some kind of reason, and I would like to list a few things that make me go >:( I might/might not have anger issues but all I know for sure is that I have a bad temper... 1. When people think they are always right >:( Arggghhh i can't stand it when people...

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4 Possible Reasons Why Women Hate Each Other ;)

We've all might have probably heard it LOL...."women hating each other" Also some women : 1.Talk behind the backs of others; sometimes their own "friends" 2.Look down on others (judge others?) 3.Comparing each other 4.Hatin' 5.Fighting for guys lol ....and also a lot of you are curious to...

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Funny (Or Just Plain Annoying) Things That Happen When You're Getting Ready 😅 😆

Sometimes when you need to go out (school/work/etc.) and you're in a rush ⏰ ...some tiny "accidents" happen 😂 1. Makeup accidents 😂 👀💄 Sh** happens while putting on some makeup. Or you end up like this: 2. Morning coffee accident🍵 ☕️ 🌞 Ugh...nothing more annoying than spilling coffee...

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5ive Random Things That Make Me Feel Good ^_^

Down below are a few random things that make me feel good ;) It can be the simplest thing ever :) 1. Getting rid of bra When I'm back home form somewhere the first thing I do is to get rid of my bra and let my "girls" be free. I love that feeling lol (and am sure i ain't the only one ;) ) 2....

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